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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-taxonomizr public Functions for assigning taxonomy to NCBI accession numbers and taxon IDs based on NCBI's accession2taxid and taxdump files. This package allows the user to downloads NCBI data dumps and create a local database for fast and local taxonomic assignment. 2025-03-25
xpclr public Code to compute xp-clr values to detect selection as per Chen, Patterson & Reich 2010. 2025-03-25
perl-local-lib public create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB 2025-03-25
rust-ncbitaxonomy public A Rust crate for working with a local copy of the NCBI Taxonomy database, which provides utilities for taxonomic filtering. 2025-03-25
calour public exploratory and interactive microbiome analyses based on heatmaps 2025-03-25
mirtrace public miRTrace is a new quality control and taxonomic tracing tool developed specifically for small RNA sequencing data (sRNA-Seq). Each sample is characterized by profiling sequencing quality, read length, sequencing depth and miRNA complexity and also the amounts of miRNAs versus undesirable sequences (derived from tRNAs, rRNAs and sequencing artifacts). In addition to these routine quality control (QC) analyses, miRTrace can accurately and sensitively resolve taxonomic origins of small RNA-Seq data based on the composition of clade-specific miRNAs. This feature can be used to detect cross-clade contaminations in typical lab settings. It can also be applied for more specific applications in forensics, food quality control and clinical diagnosis, for instance tracing the origins of meat products or detecting parasitic microRNAs in host serum. 2025-03-25
faststructure public A variational framework for inferring population structure from SNP genotype data. 2025-03-25
stream_atac public STREAM-Single-cell Trajectories Reconstruction, Exploration And Mapping of single-cell data. Preprocessing steps for single cell atac-seq data. 2025-03-25
perl-test-script public Basic cross-platform tests for scripts 2025-03-25
plantcv public An image processing package for plant phenotyping. 2025-03-25
perl-probe-perl public Information about the currently running perl 2025-03-25
cgat-apps public Computational Genomics Analysis Toolkit. 2025-03-25
ivar public iVar is a computational package that contains functions broadly useful for viral amplicon-based sequencing. 2025-03-25
sbg-cwl-runner public A CWL Runner for SBG platform 2025-03-25
refinem public A toolbox for improving population genomes. 2025-03-25
epa-ng public Massively parallel phylogenetic placement of genetic sequences 2025-03-25
nullarbor public Reads to report pipeline for bacterial isolate NGS data 2025-03-25
r-rrbgen public A lightweight limited functionality R bgen read/write library 2025-03-25
sample-sheet public An Illumina Sample Sheet parsing library 2025-03-25
seqlogo public Python port of the R Bioconductor `seqlogo` package 2025-03-25
nemo public Individual-based forward-time genetics simulation software 2025-03-25
goslimmer public GOSlimmer transforms GO annotations to a slimmed version of GO 2025-03-25
goenrichment public GOEnrichment analyses a set of gene products for GO term enrichment 2025-03-25
perl-text-template-simple public Simple text template engine 2025-03-25
matlock public Simple tools for working with Hi-C data 2025-03-25

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