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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
umis public Tools for processing UMI RNA-tag data 2024-06-09
atropos public trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads 2024-06-09
desman public De novo Extraction of Strains from MetAgeNomes 2024-06-09
pb-falcon public FALCON/Unzip tool-suite (originally by Jason Chin) 2024-06-09
pysamstats public A Python utility for calculating statistics against genome position based on sequence alignments from a SAM, BAM or CRAM file. 2024-06-09
rmats2sashimiplot public rmats2sashimiplot 2024-06-09
prophyle public ProPhyle is an accurate, resource-frugal and deterministic phylogeny-based metagenomic classifier. 2024-06-09
scalpel public Sensitive detection of INDELs (INsertions and DELetions) 2024-06-08
frogs public FROGS is a workflow designed to metabarcoding sequence analysis 2024-06-07
emboss public The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite 2024-06-07
extract-sv-reads public Tool for extracting splitter or discordant reads from a BAM or CRAM file. 2024-06-07
verifybamid2 public A robust tool for DNA contamination estimation from sequence reads using ancestry-agnostic method. 2024-06-07
fqtools public An efficient FASTQ manipulation suite. 2024-06-07
segemehl public Short read mapping with gaps 2024-06-07
libgtextutils public No Summary 2024-06-07
bioconductor-ebseq public An R package for gene and isoform differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data 2024-06-07
cmappy public Assorted tools for interacting with .gct, .gctx, .grp, and .gmt files as well as other Connectivity Map (Broad Institute) data/tools 2024-06-07
python-msgpack public It's like JSON. But fast and small. 2024-06-07
perl-dbm-deep public A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions 2024-06-07
vphaser2 public V-Phaser 2 is a tool to call variants in genetically heterogeneous populations from ultra-deep sequence data 2024-06-06
telseq public A software for calculating telomere length 2024-06-06
cage public Changepoint Analysis for Efficient Variant Calling 2024-06-06
xatlas public xAtlas is a fast and retrainable small variant caller that has been developed at the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center. 2024-06-06
pbbam public PacBio BAM C++ library 2024-06-06
squid public Detector for fusion-gene and non-fusion-gene transcriptomic structural variations from RNA-seq data 2024-06-06
gadem public A Genetic Algorithm Guided Formation of Spaced Dyads Coupled with an EM Algorithm for Motif Discovery 2024-06-06
pybigwig public A python extension written in C for quick access to bigWig files. 2024-06-06
svdb public structural variant database software 2024-06-06
atac public No Summary 2024-06-06
bioconductor-flowdensity public Sequential Flow Cytometry Data Gating 2024-06-06
sga public SGA - String Graph Assembler. SGA is a de novo assembler for DNA sequence reads. It is based on Gene Myers string graph formulation of assembly and uses the FM-index/Burrows-Wheeler transform to efficiently find overlaps between sequence reads. 2024-06-06
mawk public mawk is an interpreter for the AWK Programming Language. 2024-06-06
beagle-lib public general purpose library for evaluating the likelihood of sequence evolution on trees 2024-06-06
aragorn public ARAGORN, tRNA (and tmRNA) detection 2024-06-06
parasail-python public Python bindings for the parasail C library containing implementations of pairwise sequence alignment algorithms. 2024-06-06
prodigal public Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program 2024-06-06
pytabix public Fast random access to sorted files compressed with bgzip and indexed by tabix. 2024-06-06
py2bit public A package for accessing 2bit files using lib2bit 2024-06-06
deeptoolsintervals public A python module creating/accessing GTF-based interval trees with associated meta-data 2024-06-06
bioconductor-hilbertvis public Hilbert curve visualization 2024-06-06
bcov public BCov is a software package designed for predicting protein beta-sheet topology from amino acid sequence. 2024-06-06
bioconductor-hyperdraw public Visualizing Hypergaphs 2024-06-06
perl-statistics-r public No Summary 2024-06-06
mykatlas public Assists in discoveries of antibiotic-resistance with mykrobe 2024-06-06
libsequence public A C++ class library for evolutionary genetics. 2024-06-06
sonlib public Small general purpose library for C and Python with focus on bioinformatics. 2024-06-06
andi public Efficient Estimation of Evolutionary Distances 2024-06-06
cortexpy public A Python API for manipulating (Mc)Cortex de novo assembly graph and link data 2024-06-05
livekraken public LiveKraken is a real-time metagenomic classifier for Illumina sequencing data. 2024-06-05
trumicount public For NGS experiments using unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), molecules that are lost entirely during sequencing cause under- estimation of the molecule count, and amplification artifacts like PCR chimeras cause over-estimation. TRUmiCount corrects UMI data for both types of errors, thus improving the accuracy of measured molecule counts considerably. 2024-06-05

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