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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-rimmport public RImmPort: Enabling Ready-for-analysis Immunology Research Data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-multimed public Testing multiple biological mediators simultaneously 2024-12-14
bioconductor-clustcomp public Clustering Comparison Package 2024-12-14
bioconductor-stringdb public STRINGdb - Protein-Protein Interaction Networks and Functional Enrichment Analysis 2024-12-14
bgreat public BGREAT2 is a read mapping tool for NGS sequencing data that align reads on a de Bruijn graph. Preliminary version described at https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-016-1103-9 and used in Bcool a short read corrector (https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.03336) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-trajectorygeometry public This Package Discovers Directionality in Time and Pseudo-times Series of Gene Expression Patterns 2024-12-14
10x_bamtofastq public Tool for converting 10x BAMs produced by Cell Ranger, Space Ranger, Cell Ranger ATAC, Cell Ranger DNA, and Long Ranger back to FASTQ files that can be used as inputs to re-run analysis 2024-12-14
kmercamel public KmerCamel🐫 - compressing k-mer sets using masked superstrings 2024-12-14
bioconductor-geva public Gene Expression Variation Analysis (GEVA) 2024-12-14
bioconductor-pmm public Parallel Mixed Model 2024-12-14
bioconductor-anvilbilling public Provide functions to retrieve and report on usage expenses in NHGRI AnVIL (anvilproject.org). 2024-12-14
bioconductor-scfeaturefilter public A correlation-based method for quality filtering of single-cell RNAseq data 2024-12-14
bioconductor-asafe public Ancestry Specific Allele Frequency Estimation 2024-12-14
bioconductor-rcollectl public Help use collectl with R in Linux, to measure resource consumption in R processes 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mbttest public Multiple Beta t-Tests 2024-12-14
bioconductor-qvalue public Q-value estimation for false discovery rate control 2024-12-14
bioconductor-chicago public CHiCAGO: Capture Hi-C Analysis of Genomic Organization 2024-12-14
bioconductor-mapscape public mapscape 2024-12-14
bioconductor-targetscore public TargetScore: Infer microRNA targets using microRNA-overexpression data and sequence information 2024-12-14
bioconductor-seq.hotspot public Targeted sequencing panel design based on mutation hotspots 2024-12-14
bioconductor-informeasure public R implementation of information measures 2024-12-14
perl-json-parse public Read JSON into a Perl variable 2024-12-14
r-proteus-bartongroup public R package for analysing proteomics data 2024-12-14
perl-forks public drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork() 2024-12-14
r-spring public Semi-Parametric Rank-based approach for INference in Graphical model (SPRING) 2024-12-14
cage public Changepoint Analysis for Efficient Variant Calling 2024-12-14
phylodm public Efficient calculation of phylogenetic distance matrices. 2024-12-14
python-hppy public An intuitive HyPhy interface for Python 2024-12-14
gargammel-slim public Tool for simulating ancient DNA datasets 2024-12-14
safesim public SafeSeqS variant simulator 2024-12-14
vphaser2 public V-Phaser 2 is a tool to call variants in genetically heterogeneous populations from ultra-deep sequence data 2024-12-14
sga public SGA - String Graph Assembler. SGA is a de novo assembler for DNA sequence reads. It is based on Gene Myers string graph formulation of assembly and uses the FM-index/Burrows-Wheeler transform to efficiently find overlaps between sequence reads. 2024-12-14
telseq public A software for calculating telomere length 2024-12-14
tatajuba public Identification and classification of homopolymeric tracts from reads 2024-12-14
perl-namespace-autoclean public Keep imports out of your namespace 2024-12-14
perl-string-approx public No Summary 2024-12-14
libgab public Several C++ subroutines useful for bioinformatics 2024-12-14
encode-blacklist public The ENCODE Blacklist: Identification of Problematic Regions of the Genome 2024-12-14
fann public No Summary 2024-12-14
fsa public FSA is a probabilistic multiple sequence alignment algorithm which uses a "distance-based" approach to aligning homologous protein, RNA or DNA sequences. 2024-12-14
sracat public a command-line tool for extracting unordered read data from SRA files 2024-12-14
merfin public Improved variant filtering and polishing via k-mer validation. 2024-12-14
r-acidcli public Interative R command line interface toolkit for Acid Genomics packages. 2024-12-14
mammal public Accelerated Estimation of Frequency Classes in Site-heterogeneous Profile Mixture Models 2024-12-14
winnowmap public Winnowmap is a long-read mapping algorithm optimized for mapping ONT and PacBio reads to repetitive reference sequences. 2024-12-14
fastqpuri public fastq quality assessment and filtering tool 2024-12-14
bioawk public BWK awk modified for biological data 2024-12-14
symbiontscreener public Symbiont-Screener is a reference-free approach to identifying high-confidence host's long reads from symbionts and contaminants and overcoming the low sequencing accuracy according to a trio-based screening model. 2024-12-14
ucsc-genepredhisto public get data for generating histograms from a genePred file. 2024-12-14
rna-seqc public Fast, efficient RNA-Seq metrics for quality control and process optimization. 2024-12-14

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