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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
tidk public Identify and find telomeres, or telomeric repeats in a genome. 2024-10-04
skder public skDER & CiDDER: efficient & high-resolution dereplication methods for microbial genomes 2024-10-04
lighter public Lighter is a kmer-based error correction method for whole genome sequencing data 2024-10-03
tracs public Tracs - Fast pairwise transmission inference from single genome and/or metagenomic data 2024-10-03
pysradb public Python package for retrieving metadata and downloading datasets from SRA/ENA/GEO 2024-10-03
longreadsum public Long read sequencing data quality control tool 2024-10-03
gxf2bed public Fastest GTF/GFF-to-BED converter chilling around 2024-10-03
strobealign public Align short reads using dynamic seed size with strobemers 2024-10-03
spec2vec public Word2Vec based similarity measure of mass spectrometry data. 2024-10-03
verkko public A hybrid genome assembly pipeline developed for telomere-to-telomere assembly of accurate (HiFi, ONT Duplex, ONT HERRO) and long (ONT UL) reads. 2024-10-03
k8 public Lightweight JavaScript shell based on Google's V8 JavaScript engine 2024-10-03
rukki public Extracting paths from assembly graphs. 2024-10-02
bactopia-teton public Methods used by Bactopia for taxonomic classification 2024-10-02
piper public A lightweight python toolkit for gluing together restartable, robust command line pipelines 2024-10-02
pyslow5 public slow5lib Python binding 2024-10-02
perl-convert-binary-c public Binary Data Conversion using C Types 2024-10-02
metacache public MetaCache is a classification system for mapping genomic sequences (short reads, long reads, contigs, ...) from metagenomic samples to their most likely taxon of origin. 2024-10-02
gappa public Genesis Applications for Phylogenetic Placement Analysis 2024-10-02
hsdfinder public a tool to predict highly similar duplicates (HSDs) in eukaryotes 2024-10-02
mhcflurry public MHC Binding Predictor 2024-10-02
hsdecipher public Pipeline for the downstream analysis of highly similar duplicate genes 2024-10-02
nohuman public Remove human reads from a sequencing run 2024-10-02
bambamc public lightweight C implementation of name collating BAM file input and BAM file output 2024-10-02
open-cravat public OpenCRAVAT - variant analysis toolkit 2024-10-01
python-hivclustering public A Python 3 library that makes inferences on HIV-1 transmission networks. 2024-10-01
genomic_address_service public Genomic Address Service: De novo clustering and cluster address assignment 2024-10-01
eukulele public Easy taxonomic annotation for eukaryotic microbes. 2024-10-01
peptide-shaker public Independent platform for interpretation of proteomics identification results. 2024-10-01
searchgui public User-friendly graphical tool for using proteomics identification search engines. 2024-10-01
minimizers public Minimizers extraction from fasta files. 2024-10-01
sphae public Phage toolkit 2024-10-01
olivar public Olivar PCR tiling design 2024-10-01
dbghaplo public Haplotyping small sequences from heterogeneous long-read sequencing samples with a SNP-encoded positional de Bruijn Graph. 2024-09-30
yahs public YaHS, yet another Hi-C scaffolding tool. 2024-09-30
catfasta2phyml public Concatenates FASTA formatted files to one "phyml" (PHYLIP) formatted file 2024-09-30
spreadgltools public Visualising pathogen dispersal in a high-performance browser application 2024-09-30
slow5tools public Toolkit for S/bLOW5 format 2024-09-30
agfusion public Python package to annotate and visualize gene fusions. 2024-09-30
r-diffcorr public A method for identifying pattern changes between 2 experimental conditions in correlation networks (e.g., gene co-expression networks), which builds on a commonly used association measure, such as Pearson's correlation coefficient. This package includes functions to calculate correlation matrices for high-dimensional dataset and to test differential correlation, which means the changes in the correlation relationship among variables (e.g., genes and metabolites) between 2 experimental conditions. 2024-09-30
ont-modkit public A bioinformatics tool for working with modified bases in Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. 2024-09-29
nanovar public Structural variant caller using low-depth long reads 2024-09-29
metabuli public Metabuli: specific and sensitive metagenomic classification via joint analysis of DNA and amino acid 2024-09-29
quatradis public A set of tools to analyse the output from TraDIS analyses 2024-09-29
genomedata public Tools for accessing large amounts of genomic data 2024-09-29
snakeobjects public Snakeobjects, an object-oriented workflow management system based on snakemake 2024-09-27
baltic public Lightweight package for analyzing, manipulating and visualizing annotated phylogenetic trees. 2024-09-27
consensify public A method for generating a consensus pseudohaploid genome sequence 2024-09-27
gbintk public GraphBin-Tk: assembly graph-based metagenomic binning toolkit 2024-09-27
giatools public Tools required for Galaxy Image Analysis 2024-09-27
msisensor-pro public Microsatellite Instability (MSI) detection using high-throughput sequencing data. 2024-09-27

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