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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-fscanr public Detect Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting Events from mRNA/cDNA BLASTX Output 2023-07-07
bioconductor-clonality public Clonality testing 2023-07-07
bioconductor-savr public Parse and analyze Illumina SAV files 2023-07-07
bioconductor-hpastainr public Queries the Human Protein Atlas Staining Data for Multiple Proteins and Genes 2023-07-07
pmx_biobb public Toolkit for free-energy calculation setup/analysis and biomolecular structure handling 2023-07-07
bioconductor-flowmap public Mapping cell populations in flow cytometry data for cross-sample comparisons using the Friedman-Rafsky Test 2023-07-07
bioconductor-cnvgears public A Framework of Functions to Combine, Analize and Interpret CNVs Calling Results 2023-07-07
bioconductor-sparsedossa public Sparse Data Observations for Simulating Synthetic Abundance 2023-07-07
bioconductor-pathvar public Methods to Find Pathways with Significantly Different Variability 2023-07-07
perl-cpan-meta-requirements public a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist 2023-07-07
bioconductor-biocdockermanager public Access Bioconductor docker images 2023-07-07
esviritu public EsViritu: Read mapping pipeline for detection and measurement of virus pathogens from metagenomic or clinical data 2023-07-07
svim public SVIM is a structural variant caller for long reads. 2023-07-07
perl-http-date public date conversion routines 2023-07-07
ultra_bioinformatics public Splice aligner of long transcriptomic reads to genome. 2023-07-06
svhip public Retrainable machine learning pipeline for the detection of secondary structure conservation on a genome-level. 2023-07-06
shigatyper public Typing tool for Shigella spp. from WGS Illumina sequencing 2023-07-06
tspex public A Python package for calculating tissue-specificity metrics for gene expression. 2023-07-04
pedesigner public A tool for prime-editing guideRNA (pegRNA) design 2023-07-04
dropest public Pipeline for initial analysis of droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq data 2023-07-04
modle public High-performance stochastic modeling of DNA loop extrusion interactions 2023-07-04
perl-statistics-descriptive public Module of basic descriptive statistical functions. 2023-07-02
peglit public Automatically identifies non-interfering nucleotide linkers between a pegRNA and 3' motif 2023-07-01
python-monovar public single cell joint genotyper, patched version 2023-07-01
ptgaul public Plastid Genome Assembly Using long-read data (ptGAUL) 2023-07-01
paste-bio public A computational method to align and integrate spatial transcriptomics experiments. 2023-06-30
matchmsextras public Additional network analysis functions for matchms 2023-06-30
niemads public NiemaDS: Non-standard data structures for Python 2 and 3 2023-06-30
shigeifinder public Cluster informed Shigella and EIEC serotyping tool from Illumina reads and assemblies 2023-06-30
phate public PHATE (Potential of Heat-diffusion for Affinity-based Transition Embedding) is a tool for visualizing high dimensional data. 2023-06-29
viromeqc public Provides an enrichment score for VLP viromes with respect to metagenomes 2023-06-29
constellations public Descriptions of constellations of mutations for the SARS-CoV-2 virus 2023-06-29
seqfold public Predict the minimum free energy and structure of nucleic acids. 2023-06-28
surpyvor public Evaluating, merging and plotting SV vcf files 2023-06-24
pyroe public A python toolkit to aid with scRNA-seq analysis workflows using alevin-fry 2023-06-24
acdc public (a)utomated (c)ontamination (d)etection and (c)onfidence estimation for single-cell genome data 2023-06-23
r-enchantr public Analysis of immune repertoires. QC and reports for the analysis of AIRR-seq data with Immcantation 2023-06-22
scprep public Tools for loading and preprocessing biological matrices in Python. 2023-06-22
tassel public TASSEL is a software package to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage disequilibrium. 2023-06-22
r-recetox-xmsannotator public Annotate peak intensity table with compounds from the compounds database. A heavily modified fork of the original xMSannotator by Karan Uppal. 2023-06-22
clinvar-tsv public A Snakemake-based program to download ClinVar and convert to easy-to-use TSV files. 2023-06-22
cpc2 public Coding Potential Calculator 2 (CPC2) 2023-06-18
latch public A python bioinformatics framework 2023-06-18
eklipse public eKLIPse is a sensitive and specific tool allowing the detection and quantification of large mtDNA rearrangements. 2023-06-18
methphaser public MethPhaser: methylation-based haplotype phasing of human genomes 2023-06-18
quickbam public Parallel BAM file access API for high throughput sequence analysis informatics 2023-06-18
rmats-long public rMATS-long is an integrated computational workflow for long-read RNA-seq data 2023-06-18
ncbitax2lin public NCBItax2lin 2023-06-18
fununifrac public A repository to implement UniFrac, but on functional profiles of metagenomic data. 2023-06-18
minibusco public minibusco: a faster and more accurate reimplementation of BUSCO 2023-06-18

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