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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kpop public An assembly-free and scalable method for the comparative analysis of microbial genomes, based on full k-mer spectra and dataset-specific transformations. 2024-05-09
yaggo public Yaggo is a tool to generate command line parsers for C++. Yaggo stands for "Yet Another GenGetOpt" and is inspired by GNU Gengetopt. 2024-05-09
bioconductor-cohcap public CpG Island Analysis Pipeline for Illumina Methylation Array and Targeted BS-Seq Data 2024-05-09
instrain public Calculation of strain-level metrics 2024-05-09
cgelib public This package will in time replace the cgecore package. The package contains classes and functions intended to be utilized across the CGE tools. 2024-05-08
snakefmt public The uncompromising Snakemake code formatter 2024-05-08
rebar public Genomic recombination detection using mutational barcodes. 2024-05-08
tadrep public TaDRep: Targeted Detection and Reconstruction of Plasmids 2024-05-07
bioconductor-coregnet public CoRegNet : reconstruction and integrated analysis of co-regulatory networks 2024-05-07
r-workflowscriptscommon public Common functions for making R function wapper scripts. Functions in R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package is used by other packages (e.g. r-seurat-scripts) to add sets of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. 2024-05-07
mockinbird public A fully automatic and reproducible PAR-CLIP analysis pipeline 2024-05-07
pygenometracks public Standalone program and library to plot beautiful genome browser tracks. 2024-05-07
squigualiser public Visualise ONT raw signals 2024-05-06
seqlogo public Python port of the R Bioconductor `seqlogo` package 2024-05-03
genotyphi public Assign genotypes to Salmonella Typhi genomes based on VCF files (mapped to Typhi CT18 reference genome) 2024-05-03
favites_lite public FAVITES-Lite: A lightweight framework for viral transmission and evolution simulation 2024-05-03
dragonflye public Microbial assembly pipeline for Nanopore reads 2024-05-03
microview public Generate reports from taxonomic classification data 2024-05-03
ddocent public dDocent is an interactive bash wrapper to QC, assemble, map, and call SNPs from all types of RAD data 2024-05-03
trimnami public Read-trimming pipelines for multiple samples 2024-05-02
bedgovcf public A simple tool to convert BED files to VCF files 2024-05-02
gimbleprep public Preprocess fasta, bam and vcf files ready to be used by gimble 2024-05-01
mitos public MITOS is a tool for the annotation of metazoan mitochondrial genomes. 2024-05-01
recon public No Summary 2024-05-01
hicmatrix public Library to manage Hi-C matrices for HiCExplorer and pyGenomeTracks 2024-04-30
ncbi-datasets-pylib public Easily gather data from across NCBI databases 2024-04-29
riassigner public GC-MS retention index calculation 2024-04-29
ripcal public RIPCAL is used for the bioinformatic analysis of repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) in fungal genome sequences 2024-04-29
perl-bio-kmer public A perl module for helping with kmer analysis. 2024-04-26
radiant public Annotate proteomes with protein domains 2024-04-26
metamate public metaMATE: your metabarcoding friend! 2024-04-26
sequenoscope public sequenoscope is a versatile bioinformatic pipeline for the analysis of sequencing data. 2024-04-25
astral-tree public ASTRAL is a tool for estimating an unrooted species tree given a set of unrooted gene trees. 2024-04-25
tajimas_d public Computes Tajimas D, the Pi- or Watterson-Estimator for multiple sequences. 2024-04-25
ppx public A Python interface to proteomics data repositories 2024-04-25
pyensembl public Python interface to ensembl reference genome metadata 2024-04-25
gemini public a lightweight db framework for disease and population genetics. 2024-04-25
primers public This is a small, straightforward tool for creating PCR primers. Its target use-case is DNA assembly. 2024-04-24
phynteny public Phynteny: Synteny-based prediction of bacteriophage genes 2024-04-24
tracknado public CLI library to generate UCSC trackhubs from sequencing data 2024-04-24
shiver public SHIVER - Sequences from HIV Easily Reconstructed 2024-04-24
cdbtools public CDB (Constant DataBase) indexing and retrieval tools for FASTA files 2024-04-24
goleft public goleft is a collection of bioinformatics tools distributed under MIT license in a single static binary 2024-04-22
exonerate public Exonerate - A generic tool for pairwise sequence comparison / alignment 2024-04-21
trackhub public Create and manage UCSC track hubs from Python 2024-04-21
pypgatk public The Pypgatk framework and library provides a set of tools to perform ProteoGenomics Analysis. 2024-04-20
peka public Analysis of kmers located around locations of interest 2024-04-19
rnamining public Package to predict potential coding of RNA sequences provided in fasta format 2024-04-19
rust-bio-tools public A growing collection of fast and secure command line utilities for dealing with NGS data implemented on top of Rust-Bio. 2024-04-19
vcfanno public annotate a VCF with other VCFs/BEDs/tabixed files 2024-04-19

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