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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-chainnet public Make alignment nets out of chains 2024-12-11
cyushuffle public A Cython wrapper over uShuffle - a useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts 2024-12-11
thermorawfileparser public Wrapper around the .net (C#) ThermoFisher ThermoRawFileReader library for running on Linux with mono 2024-12-11
ltr_finder public LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences. 2024-12-11
collect_mgf public Collects MGF files and dd_results from an XMass setup_QDD.tcl experiment to a single MGF file. 2024-12-11
yaha public No Summary 2024-12-11
metacluster public No Summary 2024-12-11
phast public PHAST is a freely available software package for comparative and evolutionary genomics. 2024-12-11
prefersim public PReFerSim is an ANSI C program that performs forward simulations under the PRF model 2024-12-11
ima3 public IMa3 can be used to solve a fundamental problem in evolutionary genetics, which is to jointly consider phylogenetic history and pouplation genetic history, including gene exchange. IMa3 can be used to estimate the rooted phylogenetic tree for multiple populations, and does so while integrating over all possible Isolation-with-Migration models 2024-12-11
ray public No Summary 2024-12-11
ucsc-genepredtofakepsl public Create a psl of fake-mRNA aligned to gene-preds from a file or table. 2024-12-11
ucsc-rasqlquery public Do a SQL-like query on a RA file. 2024-12-11
strawc public Straw bound with pybind11 2024-12-11
geco3 public An efficient DNA sequence compressor using Neural Networks 2024-12-11
gotohscan public a search tool that finds shorter sequences (usually genes) in large database sequences (chromosomes, genomes, ..) by computing all semi-global alignments. 2024-12-11
ucsc-gff3togenepred public convert a GFF3 file to a genePred file 2024-12-11
r-hgvsparser public hgvsParseR 2024-12-11
lightstringgraph public LightStringGraphs (LSG) is an external memory string graph construction tool. 2024-12-11
rust-overlaps public A fast and secure command line utilility for enumerating all suffix-prefix overlaps within a set of sequences, satisfying a user-specified minimal overlap length and maximal error rate. 2024-12-11
genefuse public Gene fusion detection and visualization 2024-12-11
gassst public GASSST : Global Alignment Short Sequence Search Tool 2024-12-11
ucsc-sqltoxml public dump out all or part of a relational database to XML, guided 2024-12-11
genrich public Detecting sites of genomic enrichment. 2024-12-11
pardre public ParDRe is a parallel tool to remove duplicate reads. 2024-12-11
clearcut public The reference implementation for Relaxed Neighbor Joining (RNJ). 2024-12-11
r-ccube public R package for clustering and estimating cancer cell fractions (CCF) of somatic variants (SNVs/SVs) from bulk whole genome/exome data. 2024-12-11
r-disprose public Set of tools for molecular probes selection and design of a microarray, e.g. the assessment of physical and chemical properties, blast performance, selection according to sensitivity and selectivity. Methods used in package are described in: Lorenz R., Stephan H.B., Höner zu Siederdissen C. et al. (2011) <doi:10.1186/1748-7188-6-26>; Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V. et al. (2009) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-421>. 2024-12-11
r-abdiv public Alpha and Beta Diversity Measures 2024-12-11
ucsc-fafilter public Filter fa records, selecting ones that match the specified conditions 2024-12-11
tadarida-d public Tadarida-D (Toolbox for Animal Detection on Acoustic Recordings - Detection and Feature extraction part) for Galaxy use. 2024-12-11
autodock public AutoDock is a suite of automated docking tools. 2024-12-11
mfqe public mfqe is a tool for quickly seperating fasta and fastq files 2024-12-11
pyrle public Genomic Rle-objects for Python 2024-12-11
ucsc-getrna public Get mrna for GenBank or RefSeq sequences found in a database 2024-12-11
ucsc-hgloadsqltab public Load table into database from SQL and text files. 2024-12-11
ucsc-faonerecord public Extract a single record from a .FA file 2024-12-11
bx-python public Tools for manipulating biological data, particularly multiple sequence alignments 2024-12-11
dig2 public dig2 is a simple but flexible in silico digester of protein sequences in the FASTA format. It allows for almost any enzyme to be simulated, including MS/MS enzymes to generate CID or ECD/ETD fragments. 2024-12-11
ssu-align public SSU-ALIGN: structural alignment of SSU rRNA sequences 2024-12-11
occultercut public A package for measuring the local GC-content bias in genomes and fungal species 2024-12-11
samcut public samcut is `cut` for sam. Select (cut) columns from the output of `samtools view` using human-readale field names. 2024-12-11
pandaseq public No Summary 2024-12-11
solexaqa public Quality statistics and visual representations for second-generation sequencing data 2024-12-11
sharg public A modern argument parser for C++ tools. 2024-12-11
biodiff public exact comparison of biological sequences 2024-12-11
seq-hasher public Compute hash digests for DNA sequences in a FASTA file, with support for circular permutations 2024-12-11
tr-trimmer public Identify and trim terminal repeats from sequences in FASTA files 2024-12-11
unitig-caller public Determines presence/absence of sequence elements in bacterial sequence data. 2024-12-11
bioconductor-mpra public Analyze massively parallel reporter assays 2024-12-11

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