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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
radiantkit public Radiantkit is a Python package containing tools for full-stack image analysis YFISH images. 2025-02-24
wakhan public A tool to analyze haplotype-specific chromosome-scale somatic copy number aberrations and aneuploidy using long reads 2025-02-24
perl-sereal-encoder public Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization 2025-02-24
perl-sereal-decoder public Fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization 2025-02-24
neffy-cli public NEFF calculator and MSA file converter 2025-02-24
minia public Minia is a short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph, capable of assembling a human genome on a desktop computer in a day. 2025-02-24
flumutdb public Utility module for FluMut database. 2025-02-24
baczy public Bacterial toolkit 2025-02-24
perl-bio-db-hts public Read files using HTSlib including BAM/CRAM, Tabix and BCF database files 2025-02-24
gfviewer public A bioinformatics tool for visualizing the localization of multi-gene families across the genome of a given organism. 2025-02-24
s4pred public Accurate prediction of a protein's secondary structure from its amino acid sequence 2025-02-24
hmftools-virus-interpreter public Post-process VIRUSBreakend summary results. 2025-02-24
esme_esmf_openmpi_5_0_7 public ESMF - Earth System Modeling Framework 2025-02-24
esme_pnetcdf_openmpi_5_0_7 public PnetCDF - Parallel netCDF 2025-02-24
esme_netcdf-c_openmpi_5_0_7 public NetCDF-C - netCDF interface for C 2025-02-24
esme_omb_openmpi_5_0_7 public OSU Micro Benchmarks 2025-02-24
esme_netcdf-fortran_openmpi_5_0_7 public NetCDF-Fortran - netCDF interface for Fortran 2025-02-24
esme_openmpi_5_0_7 public Earth System Modelling Environment (ESME) - A bundle for scientific computing packages for climate modelling with MPI support. 2025-02-24
esme_pio_openmpi_5_0_7 public ParallelIO - High-level parallel I/O library 2025-02-24
esme_hdf5_openmpi_5_0_7 public HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format 5 2025-02-24
pantools public PanTools is a pangenomic toolkit for comparative analysis of large numbers of genomes. 2025-02-24
macs3 public Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data. 2025-02-24
squirrel public Some QUIck Reconstruction to Resolve Evolutionary Links 2025-02-24
irf public Inverted Repeats Finder is a program that detects approximate inverted repeats. 2025-02-24
seismic-rna public SEISMIC-RNA software by the Rouskin Lab. 2025-02-24
spades public SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assembler) is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. 2025-02-23
taxmyphage public Script to assign taxonomy to a bacteriophage at the genus and species level 2025-02-23
annembed public annembed is an ultra-fast and scalable non-linear dimension reduction/embedding algorithm (similar to UMAP or t-SNE) for large-scale biological data 2025-02-22
seqerakit public Automate creation of Seqera Platform resources 2025-02-22
ensembl-genomio public Ensembl GenomIO - tools to convert basic genomic data into Ensembl cores and back to flatfile 2025-02-21
grz-cli public Tool for validation, encryption and upload of MV submissions to GDCs. 2025-02-21
esme_omb_openmpi_5_0_6 public OSU Micro Benchmarks 2025-02-21
esme_netcdf-c_openmpi_5_0_6 public NetCDF-C - netCDF interface for C 2025-02-21
esme_esmf_openmpi_5_0_6 public ESMF - Earth System Modeling Framework 2025-02-21
esme_netcdf-fortran_openmpi_5_0_6 public NetCDF-Fortran - netCDF interface for Fortran 2025-02-21
esme_pio_openmpi_5_0_6 public ParallelIO - High-level parallel I/O library 2025-02-21
esme_openmpi_5_0_6 public Earth System Modelling Environment (ESME) - A bundle for scientific computing packages for climate modelling with MPI support. 2025-02-21
esme_pnetcdf_openmpi_5_0_6 public PnetCDF - Parallel netCDF 2025-02-21
esme_hdf5_openmpi_5_0_6 public HDF5 - Hierarchical Data Format 5 2025-02-21
ensembl-py public Ensembl Python base library 2025-02-21
gapseq public Informed prediction and analysis of bacterial metabolic pathways and genome-scale networks 2025-02-21
deeplc public DeepLC: Retention time prediction for (modified) peptides using Deep Learning. 2025-02-21
hmftools-neo public Identification of neoepitope and calculation of allele specific neoepitope binding and presentation likelihood. 2025-02-21
needletail public Fast FASTX parsing in Python 2025-02-21
metacache public MetaCache is a classification system for mapping genomic sequences (short reads, long reads, contigs, ...) from metagenomic samples to their most likely taxon of origin. 2025-02-21
profile_dists public Profile Dists: Rapid calcualtion of allele profile distances and distance base querying 2025-02-20
mgikit public mgikit is a collection of tools used to demultiplex fastq files and generate demultiplexing and quality reports. 2025-02-20
micomplete public Quality control of assembled genomes 2025-02-20
icfree-ml public Design of experiments (DoE) and machine learning packages for the iCFree project 2025-02-20
scarap public A toolkit for prokaryotic comparative genomics 2025-02-20

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