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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-tbx20bamsubset public Subset of BAM files from the "TBX20" experiment 2024-12-21
bioconductor-linkhd public LinkHD: a versatile framework to explore and integrate heterogeneous data 2024-12-21
bioconductor-sponge public Sparse Partial Correlations On Gene Expression 2024-12-21
bioconductor-cn.mops public cn.mops - Mixture of Poissons for CNV detection in NGS data 2024-12-21
bioconductor-moma public Multi Omic Master Regulator Analysis 2024-12-21
bioconductor-proteomm public Multi-Dataset Model-based Differential Expression Proteomics Analysis Platform 2024-12-21
r-rblast public Seamlessly interfaces the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) to search genetic sequence data bases. This work was partially supported by grant no. R21HG005912 from the National Human Genome Research Institute. 2024-12-21
bioconductor-affyplm public Methods for fitting probe-level models 2024-12-21
rad_haplotyper public A program for building SNP haplotypes from RAD sequencing data 2024-12-21
bioconductor-rontotools public R Onto-Tools suite 2024-12-21
eden public No Summary 2024-12-21
bioconductor-scrapper public Bindings to C++ Libraries for Single-Cell Analysis 2024-12-21
bioconductor-hicbricks public Framework for Storing and Accessing Hi-C Data Through HDF Files 2024-12-21
bioconductor-affixcan public A Functional Approach To Impute Genetically Regulated Expression 2024-12-21
r-ampvis2 public Tools for visualising amplicon data 2024-12-21
bioconductor-alabaster.ranges public Load and Save Ranges-related Artifacts from File 2024-12-21
hapcut2 public Tools for haplotype assembly from sequence data 2024-12-21
bioconductor-epialleler public Fast, Epiallele-Aware Methylation Caller and Reporter 2024-12-21
orthologer public Establish orthology among fasta files. 2024-12-21
bioconductor-beadarrayexampledata public Example data for the beadarray package 2024-12-21
bioconductor-biomformat public An interface package for the BIOM file format 2024-12-21
r-wasabi public Prepare Sailfish and Salmon output for downstream analysis 2024-12-21
bioconductor-phipdata public Container for PhIP-Seq Experiments 2024-12-21
bioconductor-alabaster.string public Save and Load Biostrings to/from File 2024-12-21
mlst public Scan contig files against PubMLST typing schemes 2024-12-21
bioconductor-raggedexperiment public Representation of Sparse Experiments and Assays Across Samples 2024-12-21
bioconductor-gsca public GSCA: Gene Set Context Analysis 2024-12-21
bioconductor-annotationhub public Client to access AnnotationHub resources 2024-12-21
bioconductor-uniprot.ws public R Interface to UniProt Web Services 2024-12-21
bioconductor-scmitomut public Single-cell Mitochondrial Mutation Analysis Tool 2024-12-21
bioconductor-multiassayexperiment public Software for the integration of multi-omics experiments in Bioconductor 2024-12-21
bioconductor-biomart public Interface to BioMart databases (i.e. Ensembl) 2024-12-21
r-pore public An R package to enable organisation and visualisation of nanopore sequencing data 2024-12-21
bioconductor-alabaster.base public Save Bioconductor Objects To File 2024-12-21
bioconductor-msdata public Various Mass Spectrometry raw data example files 2024-12-21
r-leidenbase public An R to C interface that runs the Leiden community detection algorithm to find a basic partition 2024-12-21
mira-moods public MOODS: Motif Occurrence Detection Suite 2024-12-20
genenotebook public A colleborative notebook for comparative genomics 2024-12-20
bioconductor-imman public Interlog protein network reconstruction by Mapping and Mining ANalysis 2024-12-20
bioconductor-rrdpdata public Databases for the Default RDP Classifier 2024-12-20
bioconductor-rhdf5client public Access HDF5 content from HDF Scalable Data Service 2024-12-20
bioconductor-transomics2cytoscape public A tool set for 3D Trans-Omic network visualization with Cytoscape 2024-12-20
bioconductor-scanmir public scanMiR 2024-12-20
bioconductor-adverscarial public adverSCarial, generate and analyze the vulnerability of scRNA-seq classifier to adversarial attacks 2024-12-20
bioconductor-saigegds public Scalable Implementation of Generalized mixed models using GDS files in Phenome-Wide Association Studies 2024-12-20
bioconductor-memes public motif matching, comparison, and de novo discovery using the MEME Suite 2024-12-20
bioconductor-geomxtools public NanoString GeoMx Tools 2024-12-20
bioconductor-sictools public Find SNV/Indel differences between two bam files with near relationship 2024-12-20
bioconductor-tiledbarray public Using TileDB as a DelayedArray Backend 2024-12-20
bioconductor-delayedrandomarray public Delayed Arrays of Random Values 2024-12-20

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