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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-biotip public BioTIP: An R package for characterization of Biological Tipping-Point 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.hugene.2.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix HuGene-2_1-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-hu6800cdf public A package containing an environment representing the Hu6800.CDF file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-spanorm public Spatially-aware normalisation for spatial transcriptomics data 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.cyrgene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix CyRGene-1_1-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-ecoliasv2probe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was E\_coli\_Asv2\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.pae.g1a public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name Pae_G1a 2024-12-23
bioconductor-mgu74aprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was MG-U74A\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.moex.1.0.st.v1 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MoEx-1_0-st-v1 2024-12-23
bioconductor-mu11ksubaprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was Mu11KsubA\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-singlecellsignalr public Cell Signalling Using Single Cell RNAseq Data Analysis 2024-12-23
bioconductor-agcdf public A package containing an environment representing the AG.CDF file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.felgene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix FelGene-1_1-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-rgu34acdf public A package containing an environment representing the RG_U34A.cdf file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.mirna.2.0 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix miRNA-2_0 2024-12-23
r-cellassign public Automated, probabilistic assignment of cell types in scRNA-seq data 2024-12-23
bioconductor-hu35ksubbcdf public A package containing an environment representing the Hu35KsubB.CDF file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.mg.u74b public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name MG_U74B 2024-12-23
bioconductor-mumosa public Multi-Modal Single-Cell Analysis Methods 2024-12-23
bioconductor-xlaevis2cdf public A package containing an environment representing the X_laevis_2.CDF file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.mogene.1.0.st.v1 public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix MoGene-1_0-st-v1 2024-12-23
bioconductor-dino public Normalization of Single-Cell mRNA Sequencing Data 2024-12-23
bioconductor-hivprtplus2cdf public A package containing an environment representing the HIV PRTPlus 2.CDF file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.081229.hg18.promoter.medip.hx1 public Platform Design Info for NimbleGen 081229_hg18_promoter_medip_hx1 2024-12-23
bioconductor-drosgenome1cdf public A package containing an environment representing the DrosGenome1.CDF file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.rg.u34a public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name RG_U34A 2024-12-23
bioconductor-mosim public Multi-Omics Simulation (MOSim) 2024-12-23
bioconductor-hu35ksubcprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was Hu35KsubC\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.felgene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix FelGene-1_0-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-zebrafishprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was Zebrafish\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.cangene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix CanGene-1_1-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-basics public Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data 2024-12-23
bioconductor-ecoliprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was E\_coli\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.cyngene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix CynGene-1_0-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-chicken.db0 public Base Level Annotation databases for chicken 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.hg.u95c public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name HG U95C 2024-12-23
bioconductor-celda public CEllular Latent Dirichlet Allocation 2024-12-23
bioconductor-rae230aprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was RAE230A\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-oligodata public Dataset samples (Affymetrix: Expression, Gene, Exon, SNP; NimbleGen: Expression, Tiling) to be used with the oligo package. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.mmu.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Rhesus 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.guigene.1.0.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix GuiGene-1_0-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-tomatoprobe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was Tomato\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pdinfobuilder public Platform Design Information Package Builder 2024-12-23
bioconductor-hgu219probe public This package was automatically created by package AnnotationForge version 1.11.21. The probe sequence data was obtained from http://www.affymetrix.com. The file name was HG-U219\_probe\_tab. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.ath1.121501 public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name ATH1-121501 2024-12-23
bioconductor-ecolisakai.db0 public Base Level Annotation databases for E coli Sakai Strain 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.elegene.1.1.st public Platform Design Info for Affymetrix EleGene-1_1-st 2024-12-23
bioconductor-rgu34ccdf public A package containing an environment representing the RG_U34C.cdf file. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pd.u133.x3p public Platform Design Info for The Manufacturer's Name U133_X3P 2024-12-23
bioconductor-mu19ksubacdf public A package containing an environment representing the Mu19KsubA.CDF file. 2024-12-23

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