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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconda-repodata-patches public generate tweaks to index metadata, hosted separately from anaconda.org index 2025-03-31
soi public Orthology Index (OrthoIndex or OI) determines the orthology of a syntenic block. 2025-03-30
ngsfetch public Fast retrieval of metadata and fastq files with ffq and aria2c 2025-03-30
blast public BLAST+ is a new suite of BLAST tools that utilizes the NCBI C++ Toolkit. 2025-03-30
gempipe public gempipe is a tool for the reconstruction of strain-specific genome-scale metabolic models. 2025-03-30
gnparser public GNparser normalises scientific names and extracts their semantic elements 2025-03-30
r-corncob public Statistical modeling for correlated count data using the beta-binomial distribution, described in Martin et al. (2020) <doi:10.1214/19-AOAS1283>. It allows for both mean and overdispersion covariates. 2025-03-30
pybiolib public BioLib Python Client 2025-03-30
gsearch public gsearch is an ultra-fast and scalable microbial genome search program based on MinHash-like metrics and graph-based approximate nearest neighbor search 2025-03-29
dbcan public Standalone version of dbCAN annotation tool for automated CAZyme annotation. 2025-03-29
quantms-rescoring public PSM rescoring python package with scripts and helpers for the quantms workflow 2025-03-29
aliceasm public Efficient HiFi genome assembler producing haplotype-separated assemblies 2025-03-28
atlas public ATLAS: Analysis Tools for Ancient and Low-depth Samples 2025-03-28
vambcore public Performant backend functions for the Vamb binning tool 2025-03-28
nextclade public Viral genome alignment, mutation calling, clade assignment, quality checks and phylogenetic placement 2025-03-28
civicpy public CIViC variant knowledgebase analysis toolkit. 2025-03-28
td2 public TD2: a tool to find protein coding regions in transcripts 2025-03-28
ncbi-datasets-pyclient public NCBI Datasets API 2025-03-28
pytximport public pytximport - gene count estimation from transcript-level quantification 2025-03-28
vvv2_display public Creates png image file with all [vardict] variants proportions alongside genome/assembly with annotations from [vadr]. 2025-03-28
obonet public Parse OBO formatted ontologies into networkx 2025-03-28
perl-namespace-autoclean public Keep imports out of your namespace 2025-03-28
svtopovz public Complex structural variant visualization for HiFi sequencing data: plotting tool. 2025-03-28
hmftools-linx public LINX is an annotation, interpretation and visualisation tool for structural variants. 2025-03-28
polap public POLAP: plant organelle long-read assembly pipeline 2025-03-28
taxmyphage public Script to assign taxonomy to a bacteriophage at the genus and species level 2025-03-28
magneto public MAGNETO is an automated snakemake workflow dedicated to MAG reconstruction from metagenomic data. 2025-03-28
genotypy public Automatically detect genomic barcodes integrated into loci of interest from sequencing data 2025-03-28
seismic-rna public SEISMIC-RNA software by the Rouskin Lab. 2025-03-28
nextstrain-cli public The Nextstrain command-line interface (CLI) 2025-03-28
sequenoscope public sequenoscope is a versatile bioinformatic pipeline for the analysis of sequencing data. 2025-03-28
psauron public PSAURON: a machine learning model for rapid assessment of protein coding gene annotation 2025-03-28
scanpy-cli public CLI for Scanpy 2025-03-28
perl-math-bigint public Arbitrary size floating point math package 2025-03-28
genmod public Annotate genetic inheritance models in variant files 2025-03-28
nextflow public A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines http://nextflow.io 2025-03-28
snakemake-minimal public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-28
snakemake public A popular workflow management system aiming at full in-silico reproducibility. 2025-03-28
yleaf public Yleaf - A tool for Y-chromosome haplogroup prediction 2025-03-28
vcflib public Command-line tools for manipulating VCF files. 2025-03-28
r-signac public A framework for the analysis and exploration of single-cell chromatin data. The 'Signac' package contains functions for quantifying single-cell chromatin data, computing per-cell quality control metrics, dimension reduction and normalization, visualization, and DNA sequence motif analysis. Reference: Stuart and Butler et al. (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.031>. 2025-03-28
slivar public filter/annotate variants in VCF/BCF format with simple expressions 2025-03-28
commec public commec: a free, open-source, globally available tool for DNA sequence screening 2025-03-28
pisad public pisad - Phsaed Intraspecies Sample Anomalies Detection tool 2025-03-28
planemo public Command-line utilities to assist in building tools for the Galaxy project (http://galaxyproject.org/). 2025-03-28
vsnp3 public Rapidly call, validate, and compare SNPs from FASTQ files in a timely manner utilizing large data sets. 2025-03-28
ena-webin-cli public Data submissions to ENA can be made using the Webin command line submission interface (Webin-CLI). 2025-03-28
rpsbproc public RpsbProc, the post-RPSBLAST Processing Utility. 2025-03-28
pegasuspy public An efficient Python analysis tool which scales to transcriptomes of millions of single cells. 2025-03-28
amiga public Analysis of Microbial Growth Assays 2025-03-28

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