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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
kraken2 public Kraken2 is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. 2025-02-18
gappa public Genesis Applications for Phylogenetic Placement Analysis 2025-02-18
clipkit public Alignment trimming software for phylogenetics. 2025-02-18
gencove public Gencove is a high-throughput, cost-effective platform for genome sequencing and analysis. This command-line interface can be used to easily access the Gencove API. 2025-02-18
icescreen public ICEscreen detects and annotates ICEs (Integrative and Conjugative Elements) and IMEs (Integrative and Mobilizable Elements) in Bacillota genomes. 2025-02-18
gw public View genomic sequencing data and vcf files 2025-02-18
ensembl-utils public Ensembl Python general-purpose utils 2025-02-18
r-stitch public STITCH - Sequencing To Imputation Through Constructing Haplotypes. 2025-02-18
perl-error public Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way 2025-02-18
hmftools-chord public Predict HRD using somatic mutations contexts 2025-02-18
hmftools-sage public SAGE is a somatic SNV, MNV and small INDEL caller optimised 100x tumor / 40x normal coverage, but has a flexible set of filters that can be adapted to lower or higher depth coverage. 2025-02-18
hmftools-purple public PURPLE is a purity ploidy estimator for tumor samples. 2025-02-18
mutalyzer_hgvs_parser public Mutalyzer HGVS variant description parser 2025-02-18
met4j public Met4J is an open-source Java library dedicated to the structural analysis of metabolic networks 2025-02-17
genin2 public Genin2 is a lightining-fast bioinformatic tool to predict genotypes for H5 viruses belonging to the European clade 2025-02-17
souporcell public Clustering scRNAseq by genotypes. 2025-02-17
skder public skDER & CiDDER: efficient & high-resolution dereplication methods for microbial genomes 2025-02-17
fastahack public No Summary 2025-02-17
wgatools public A Rust library and tools for whole genome alignment files. 2025-02-17
metafx public MetaFX (METAgenomic Feature eXtraction) is a library for feature extraction from whole-genome metagenome sequencing data and classification of groups of samples. 2025-02-17
bionumpy public Library for working with biological sequence data as numpy arrays. 2025-02-17
marti public Metagenomic Analysis in Real Time 2025-02-17
r-pathfindr public Enrichment analysis enables researchers to uncover mechanisms underlying a phenotype. However, conventional methods for enrichment analysis do not take into account protein-protein interaction information, resulting in incomplete conclusions. pathfindR is a tool for enrichment analysis utilizing active subnetworks. The main function identifies active subnetworks in a protein-protein interaction network using a user-provided list of genes and associated p values. It then performs enrichment analyses on the identified subnetworks, identifying enriched terms (i.e. pathways or, more broadly, gene sets) that possibly underlie the phenotype of interest. pathfindR also offers functionalities to cluster the enriched terms and identify representative terms in each cluster, to score the enriched terms per sample and to visualize analysis results. The enrichment, clustering and other methods implemented in pathfindR are described in detail in Ulgen E, Ozisik O, Sezerman OU. 2019. pathfindR: An R Package for Comprehensive Identification of Enriched Pathways in Omics Data Through Active Subnetworks. Front. Genet. <doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.00858>. 2025-02-17
svaba public Structural variation and indel detection by local assembly 2025-02-17
neffy public A Python interface of NEFFy C++ tool: NEFF Calculator and MSA File Converter 2025-02-17
predictosaurus public Predictosaurus is a command-line tool designed for uncertainty-aware haplotype-based genomic variant effect prediction. 2025-02-17
circtools public circtools - a circular RNA toolbox. 2025-02-17
seg-suite public The seg suite provides tools for manipulating segments, alignments, and annotations of sequences. 2025-02-17
hmftools-cobalt public Calculate read-depth counts and GC ratios to use in PURPLE. 2025-02-17
hmftools-amber public Generates a tumor BAF file for use in PURPLE. 2025-02-17
hmftools-bam-tools public Rapidly process BAMs for various tasks. 2025-02-17
sdrf-pipelines public Translate, convert SDRF to configuration pipelines 2025-02-16
truvari public Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs 2025-02-16
fastoma public FastOMA - a package to infer orthology information among proteomes 2025-02-16
sevenbridges-python public SBG API python client bindings 2025-02-16
pronto public Python frontend to ontologies. 2025-02-16
pbsim3 public A simulator for all types of Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long reads 2025-02-15
tir-learner public An ensemble pipeline for terminal inverted repeat (TIR) transposable elements annotation. 2025-02-15
hitac public A hierarchical taxonomic classifier for fungal ITS sequences 2025-02-15
snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm-jobstep public A Snakemake executor plugin for running srun jobs inside of SLURM jobs (meant for internal use by snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm) 2025-02-15
metabolights-utils public MetaboLights open metabolomics data repository command line interface (CLI), common MetaboLights data models, utility methods and classes. 2025-02-15
vitap public Viral Taxonomic Assignment Pipeline 2025-02-15
chopper public A rust command line for filtering and trimming long reads. 2025-02-15
r-metacoder public A set of tools for parsing, manipulating, and graphing data classified by a hierarchy (e.g. a taxonomy). 2025-02-14
ucsc-cell-browser public A browser for single-cell data, main site at http://cells.ucsc.edu. UCSC Cellbrowser, an interactive browser for single cell data. Includes importers and basic pipelines for text files, Seurat, Scanpy and Cellranger. All Javascript - does not require a server backend. 2025-02-14
macs2 public Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data 2025-02-14
t-coffee public A collection of tools for Multiple Alignments of DNA, RNA, Protein Sequence 2025-02-14
pathogen-profiler public Library giving access to classes and functions to create a profiling tool to look for mutations from NGS data. 2025-02-14
sainsc public Segmentation-free Analysis of In Situ Capture data. 2025-02-14
fastobo public Faultless AST for Open Biomedical Ontologies in Python 2025-02-14

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