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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ucsc-clustergenes public Cluster genes from genePred tracks 2023-06-16
ucsc-bedjointaboffset public given a bed file and tab file where each have a column with matching values: first get the value of column0, the offset and line length from inTabFile. Then go over the bed file, use the name field and append its offset and length to the bed file as two separate fields. Write the new bed file to outBed. 2023-06-16
pbccs public pbccs - Generate Highly Accurate Single-Molecule Consensus Reads (HiFi Reads) 2023-06-16
shapeshifter public A tool for managing large datasets 2023-06-16
compare-reads public cythonized function to compare reads by name. 2023-06-16
socru public Order and orientation of complete bacterial genomes 2023-06-16
igor_vdj public IGoR is a C++ software designed to infer V(D)J recombination related processes from sequencing data. 2023-06-16
scanpy public Single-Cell Analysis in Python. Scales to >1M cells. 2023-06-16
r-momr public 'MetaOMineR' suite is a set of R packages that offers many functions and modules needed for the analyses of quantitative metagenomics data. 'momr' is the core package and contains routines for biomarker identification and exploration. Developed since the beginning of field, 'momr' has evolved and is structured around the different modules such as preprocessing, analysis, vizualisation, etc. See package help for more information. 2023-06-16
wg-blimp public wg-blimp (Whole Genome BisuLfIte sequencing Methylation analysis Pipeline) 2023-06-16
msp2db public Python package to create an SQLite database from a collection of MSP mass spectromertry spectra files. Currently works with MSP files formated as MassBank records or as MoNA records. The resulting SQLite database can be used for spectral matching with msPurity Bioconductor R package, 2023-06-16
tximport-scripts public A set of wrappers for individual components of the tximport package. Functions R packages are hard to call when building workflows outside of R, so this package adds a set of simple wrappers with robust argument parsing. Intermediate steps are currently mainly serialized R objects, but the ultimate objective is to have language-agnostic intermediate formats allowing composite workflows using a variety of software packages. 2023-06-16
r-brio public Biological R input/output. 2023-06-16
r-bioverbs public S4 generic functions for bioinformatics. 2023-06-16
perl-text-levenshtein public calculate the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings 2023-06-16
dammet public Software to reconstruct methylomes from HTS data from ancient specimen 2023-06-16
stream_atac public STREAM-Single-cell Trajectories Reconstruction, Exploration And Mapping of single-cell data. Preprocessing steps for single cell atac-seq data. 2023-06-16
artemis public A set of Java genome visualization tools including the Artemis genome browser & annotation tool, ACT DNA sequence comparison viewer, DNA Plotter image generation tool and the BamView BAM/CRAM file viewer. 2023-06-16
minnow public A principled framework for rapid simulation of dscRNA-seq data at the read level 2023-06-16
imctools public An Image Mass Cytometry (IMC) file conversion tool that aims to convert IMC rawfiles (.mcd, .txt) into an intermediary ome.tiff, containing all the relevant metadata. Further it contains tools to generate simpler tiff files that can be directly be used as input files for e.g. CellProfiller, Ilastik, Fiji etc 2023-06-16
srnapipe public Pipeline for bioinformatic in-depth exploration of small RNA-seq data 2023-06-16
pypairs public A python scRNA-Seq classifier 2023-06-16
perl-html-form public Class that represents an HTML form element 2023-06-16
perl-www-mechanize public Handy web browsing in a Perl object 2023-06-16
islandpath public IslandPath-DIMOB is a standalone software to predict genomic islands in bacterial and archaeal genomes based on the presence of dinucleotide biases and mobility genes. Genomic islands (GIs) are clusters of genes in prokaryotic genomes of probable horizontal origin. GIs are disproportionately associated with microbial adaptations of medical or environmental interest. 2023-06-16
illumina-cleanup public Nextflow pipeline for pre-processing Illumina FASTQ files 2023-06-16
pathogist public Calibrated multi-criterion genomic analysis for public health microbiology 2023-06-16
piret public A tool for conducting RNA seq analysis. 2023-06-16
gerp public GERP identifies constrained elements in multiple alignments by quantifying substitution deficits. 2023-06-16
mofapy public Multi-Omics Factor Analysis 2023-06-16
maxquant public MaxQuant is a quantitative proteomics software package designed for analyzing large mass-spectrometric data sets. License restricted. 2023-06-16
biotradis public A set of tools to analyse the output from TraDIS analyses 2023-06-16
plantcv public An image processing package for plant phenotyping. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-proteoqc public An R package for proteomics data quality control 2023-06-16
bioconductor-pga public An package for identification of novel peptides by customized database derived from RNA-Seq 2023-06-16
unifrac public Fast phylogenetic diversity calculations 2023-06-16
perl-moosex-singleton public Turn your Moose class into a singleton 2023-06-16
bioconductor-platecore public Provides basic S4 data structures and routines for analyzing plate based flow cytometry data. 2023-06-16
kwip public kWIP implements a de novo, alignment free measure of sample genetic dissimilarity 2023-06-16
bioconductor-post public Projection onto Orthogonal Space Testing for High Dimensional Data 2023-06-16
bioconductor-sapfinder public A package for variant peptides detection and visualization in shotgun proteomics. 2023-06-16
consel public CONSEL calculates the probability value (i.e., p-value) to assess the confidence in the selection problem. Although CONSEL is applicable to any selection problem, it is mainly designed for the phylogenetic tree selection 2023-06-16
bioconductor-shinytandem public Provides a GUI for rTANDEM 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mitoodedata public Experimental data associated to the paper "Dynamical modelling of phenotypes in a genome-wide RNAi live-cell imaging assay" 2023-06-16
bioconductor-rnaseqrdata public RNASeqRData: sample data for RNASeqR software package demonstration 2023-06-16
bioconductor-gaia public GAIA: An R package for genomic analysis of significant chromosomal aberrations. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-bioseqclass public Classification for Biological Sequences 2023-06-16
r-taxonomizr public Functions for assigning taxonomy to NCBI accession numbers and taxon IDs based on NCBI's accession2taxid and taxdump files. This package allows the user to downloads NCBI data dumps and create a local database for fast and local taxonomic assignment. 2023-06-16
bioconductor-mitoode public Implementation of the differential equation model described in "Dynamical modelling of phenotypes in a genome-wide RNAi live-cell imaging assay" 2023-06-16
bioconductor-prize public Prize: an R package for prioritization estimation based on analytic hierarchy process 2023-06-16

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