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bioconda / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bioconductor-genebreak public Gene Break Detection 2024-12-24
bioconductor-mirage public MiRNA Ranking by Gene Expression 2024-12-24
bioconductor-annotate public Annotation for microarrays 2024-12-24
bioconductor-graphite public GRAPH Interaction from pathway Topological Environment 2024-12-24
bioconductor-meshdbi public DBI to construct MeSH-related package from sqlite file 2024-12-24
bioconductor-mirbaseversions.db public Annotation package containing all available miRNA names from 22 versions (data from http://www.mirbase.org/). 2024-12-24
bioconductor-org.rn.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Rat 2024-12-24
bioconductor-do.db public A set of annotation maps describing the entire Disease Ontology assembled using data from DO 2024-12-24
bioconductor-org.dr.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Zebrafish 2024-12-24
bioconductor-org.ss.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Pig 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.gg.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Chicken 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.dm.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Fly 2024-12-23
pylibseq public A Python interface to libsequence 2024-12-23
ghostx public GHOSTX is a homology search tool which can detect remote homologues like BLAST and is about 100 times more efficient than BLAST by using suffix arrays. GHOSTX outputs search results in the format similar to BLAST-tabular format. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.ce.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Worm 2024-12-23
bioconductor-annotationforge public Tools for building SQLite-based annotation data packages 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.cf.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Canine 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.sc.sgd.db public Genome wide annotation for Yeast 2024-12-23
bioconductor-rtrm public Identification of Transcriptional Regulatory Modules from Protein-Protein Interaction Networks 2024-12-23
bioconductor-cn.farms public cn.FARMS - factor analysis for copy number estimation 2024-12-23
bioconductor-mlp public Mean Log P Analysis 2024-12-23
bioconductor-safe public Significance Analysis of Function and Expression 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.bt.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Bovine 2024-12-23
bioconductor-frma public Frozen RMA and Barcode 2024-12-23
bioconductor-reactome.db public A set of annotation maps for reactome 2024-12-23
r-cellassign public Automated, probabilistic assignment of cell types in scRNA-seq data 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pdinfobuilder public Platform Design Information Package Builder 2024-12-23
bioconductor-org.hs.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Human 2024-12-23
bioconductor-bionet public Routines for the functional analysis of biological networks 2024-12-23
bioconductor-m3drop public Michaelis-Menten Modelling of Dropouts in single-cell RNASeq 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pathrender public Render molecular pathways 2024-12-23
bioconductor-rmir.hs.mirna public Various databases of microRNA Targets 2024-12-23
bioconductor-pfam.db public A set of protein ID mappings for PFAM 2024-12-23
bioconductor-targetscan.hs.eg.db public TargetScan miRNA target predictions for human assembled using data from the TargetScan website. TargetScan predicts biological targets of miRNAs by searching for the presence of conserved 8mer and 7mer sites that match the seed region of each miRNA. Also identified are sites with mismatches in the seed region that are compensated by conserved 3' pairing. In mammals, predictions are ranked based on the predicted efficacy of targeting as calculated using the context scores of the sites. 2024-12-23
bioconductor-go.db public A set of annotation maps describing the entire Gene Ontology 2024-12-23
bioconductor-scater public Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R 2024-12-23
bioconductor-splatter public Simple Simulation of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data 2024-12-23
bioconductor-hpar public Human Protein Atlas in R 2024-12-22
bioconductor-org.mm.eg.db public Genome wide annotation for Mouse 2024-12-22
bioconductor-puma public Propagating Uncertainty in Microarray Analysis(including Affymetrix tranditional 3' arrays and exon arrays and Human Transcriptome Array 2.0) 2024-12-22
bioconductor-mirnatap public miRNAtap: microRNA Targets - Aggregated Predictions 2024-12-22
bioconductor-msnid public Utilities for Exploration and Assessment of Confidence of LC-MSn Proteomics Identifications 2024-12-22
bioconductor-cosmiq public cosmiq - COmbining Single Masses Into Quantities 2024-12-22
bioconductor-arrayexpress public Access the ArrayExpress Collection at EMBL-EBI Biostudies and build Bioconductor data structures: ExpressionSet, AffyBatch, NChannelSet 2024-12-22
bioconductor-genomicscores public Infrastructure to work with genomewide position-specific scores 2024-12-22
desman public De novo Extraction of Strains from MetAgeNomes 2024-12-22
bioconductor-gcrisprtools public Suite of Functions for Pooled Crispr Screen QC and Analysis 2024-12-22
bioconductor-oligo public Preprocessing tools for oligonucleotide arrays 2024-12-22
bioconductor-grmetrics public Calculate growth-rate inhibition (GR) metrics 2024-12-22
bioconductor-geoquery public Get data from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) 2024-12-22

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