#### Tools - ExtractTsv This mean can extract samples, libraries and readgroups from a sample config file.
This mean can extract samples, libraries and readgroups from a sample config file. This meant as a supporting tool inside wdl pipelines. It can also output a single layer as tsv file.
This tool enables a user to create a full sample sheet in JSON format or YAML format, suitable for all Biopet Queue pipelines, from TSV file(s).
This tool will convert the sample configs to a array based format that can be used inside wdl pipelines. This tool is only to support biowdl pipelines.
This tool will extract the case-control pairs from a sample config file. It will read the headers of the bam files to confirm that samples do exist.
For documentation and manuals visit our github.io page: https://biopet.github.io/sampleconfig