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bioconda / packages / biopet-bamstats 1.0.1

BamStats is a package that contains tools to generate stats from a BAM file, merge those stats for multiple samples, and validate the generated stats files.


Info: This package contains files in non-standard labels.
  • noarch v1.0.1

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install bioconda::biopet-bamstats
conda install bioconda/label/cf201901::biopet-bamstats


BamStats is a package that contains tools to generate stats from a BAM file, merge those stats for multiple samples, and validate the generated stats files.

Generate reports clipping stats, flag stats, insert size and mapping quality on a BAM file. It outputs a JSON file, but can optionally also output in TSV format.

The output of the JSON file is organized in a sample - library - readgroup tree structure. If readgroups in the BAM file are not annotated with sample (SM) and library (LB) tags an error will be thrown. This can be fixed by using samtools addreplacerg or picard AddOrReplaceReadGroups.

This module will merge bamstats files together and keep the sample/library/readgroup structure. Values for the same readgroups will be added. It will also validate the resulting file.

Validates a BamStats file. If aggregation values can not be regenerated the file is considered corrupt. This should only happen when the file has been manually edited.

For documentation and manuals visit our github.io page: https://biopet.github.io/bamstats

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