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tpeulen / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
tttrlib public Read, write & process time-tagged time-resolved (TTTR) data. 2025-02-06
chinet public chinet is the C++ backend for chisurf. 2025-01-31
chisurf public ChiSurf: an interactive global analysis platform for fluorescence data. 2025-01-24
k2dist public Kappa2 distribution calculator 2024-07-01
tttrconvert public CLSMviewer application (for ChiSurf) 2024-04-30
clsmview public CLSMviewer application (for ChiSurf) 2024-04-30
ndxplorer public ndXplorer - An interactive tool to visualize multi dimensional data. 2024-04-30
scikit-fluorescence public A set of algorithms and tools for fluorescence data. 2024-02-21
fit2x public Python bindings for fit2x 2024-02-19
imp.bff public Bayesian Framework for Fluorescence for the integrative modeling platform 2024-02-04
avtraj public MD-trajectory processing librabry for FRET experiments using LabelLib and MDTraj 2024-02-01
labellib public Python bindings for LabelLib 2024-01-31
librttr public Run Time Type Reflection 2023-10-25
libbson public A library providing useful routines related to building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents. 2023-06-18
freesasa public No Summary 2023-06-18
pyusb public Easy USB access from Python 2023-06-18
libmongocxx public MongoDB C++ Driver 2023-06-16
pycorrfit public Scientific tool for fitting correlation curves on a logarithmic plot. 2023-06-16
kmapper public Python implementation of Mapper algorithm for Topological Data Analysis. 2023-06-16
ucfret public ucfret (you see FRET) recovers FRET distances from fluorescence decays. 2023-06-16
xlrestraint public A cross-linking restraint for the integrative modeling platfrom 2023-06-16
pymol-open-source public PyMOL is a molecular visualization system. 2023-06-16
libmongoc public A high-performance MongoDB driver for C 2023-06-16
quest public QuEst is a protein structure based fluorescence quenching estimator 2023-06-16
mdtraj_fps public No Summary 2023-06-16

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