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ska / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
chandra.maneuver None No summary available 2023-06-16
pygobject None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
ska-flight None Ska environment meta-package 2023-06-16
pygtk None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
ska-ops None Ska environment meta-package 2023-06-16
ska_sync None Sync ska data files 2023-06-16
ska.sun None No summary available 2023-06-16
pyfits None Reads FITS images and tables into numpy arrays and manipulates FITS headers 2023-06-16
autopep8 None A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide 2023-06-16
ska.dbi None Ska database utils 2023-06-16
ska.ciao None Ska CIAO utilities 2023-06-16
ska.report_ranges None No summary available 2023-06-16
ska.file None No summary available 2023-06-16
ska.table None Ska table utilties (deprecated) 2023-06-16
chandra.cmd_states None No summary available 2023-06-16
ska.telemarchive None Ska telemetry archive (mostly superceded by Ska.engarchive) 2023-06-16
ska.ftp None Ska ftp utilities 2023-06-16
d2to1 None Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools setup.py 2023-06-16
chandra.time None Chandra Time package 2023-06-16
ska.numpy None Numpy utilities 2023-06-16
atk None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
expat None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
egenix-mx-base None kadi events and command archive 2023-06-16
ska.matplotlib None kadi events and command archive 2023-06-16
quaternion None Quaternion object manipulation 2023-06-16
ska.shell None Ska shell utilities 2023-06-16
ska.engarchive None kadi events and command archive 2023-06-16
tables None PyTables HDF5 interface 2023-06-16
xija None No summary available 2023-06-16
ska.arc5gl None Archive access Python wrapper 2023-06-16
gtk-plus None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
stsci.distutils None distutils/packaging-related utilities used by some of STScI's packages 2023-06-16
agasc None No summary available 2023-06-16
ska.parsecm None No summary available 2023-06-16
pixman None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
glib None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
pyger None Constraint estimate tool 2023-06-16
ska-head None Ska environment meta-package 2023-06-16
cairo None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
pyyaks None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
django None A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. 2023-06-16
ska.tdb None Chandra telemetry database access 2023-06-16
ska.quatutil None No summary available 2023-06-16
fontconfig None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
kadi None kadi events and command archive 2023-06-16
chandra.taco None No summary available 2023-06-16
ska.astro None Ska astro utils 2023-06-16
pango None Pipeline running tools 2023-06-16
ska_path None No summary available 2023-06-16
sybase None No summary available 2023-06-16

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