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sfe1ed40 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
funcy public A collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality. 2024-01-11
bcl public Python library that provides a simple interface for symmetric (i.e., secret-key) and asymmetric (i.e., public-key) encryption/decryption primitives. 2024-01-09
streamlit-plotly-events public Plotly chart component for Streamlit that also allows for events to bubble back up to Streamlit. 2024-01-09
itables public Interactive Tables in Jupyter 2024-01-09
mahotas public Mahotas: Computer Vision Library 2024-01-09
httpagentparser public Extracts OS Browser etc information from http user agent string 2024-01-05
phonetics public Compute phonetic key of strings for indexing or fuzzy matching 2024-01-02
pdfium-binaries public repack of pdfium-binaries 2023-12-22
mclbn256 public Python library that serves as an API for the BN254/256 pairing-friendly curve implemented in MCl in C. 2023-12-21
mcl public A portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library. 2023-12-21
statsforecast public Time series forecasting suite using statistical models 2023-12-20
nameparser public A simple Python (3.2+ & 2.6+) module for parsing human names into their individual components. 2023-12-20
mlforecast public Scalable machine learning based time series forecasting 2023-12-18
utilsforecast public Forecasting utilities 2023-12-12
lightning public Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready, multi-cloud ML systems to simple research demos. 2023-12-11
pytorch-metric-learning public The easiest way to use deep metric learning in your application. Modular, flexible, and extensible. Written in PyTorch. 2023-12-11
lightning-cloud public Lightning AI Command Line Interface 2023-12-11
seqeval public A Python framework for sequence labeling evaluation(named-entity recognition, pos tagging, etc...) 2023-12-11
nlpaug public Natrual language processing data Augmentation library 2023-12-11
deepdiff public Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data. 2023-12-11
inquirer public Collection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on Inquirer.js 2023-12-11
dateutils public Various utilities for working with date and datetime objects 2023-12-11
openmim public MIM Installs OpenMMLab packages 2023-12-11
timm public (Unofficial) PyTorch Image Models 2023-12-11
gdown public Download a large file from Google Drive. 2023-12-11
starsessions public Pluggable session support for Starlette. 2023-12-11
model-index public Create a source of truth for ML model results and browse it on Papers with Code 2023-12-11
nptyping public Type hints for Numpy 2023-12-11
evalml public an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions. 2023-12-05
py-mxnet public MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility 2023-12-04
mxnet-openblas public MXNet metapackage which pins a variant of MXNet Conda package 2023-12-04
mxnet public MXNet metapackage for installing lib,py-MXNet Conda packages 2023-12-04
libmxnet public MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility 2023-12-04
feature_engine public Feature engineering and selection package with Scikit-learn's fit and transform functionality 2023-12-04
pyxlsb public Excel 2007+ Binary Workbook (xlsb) reader for Python 2023-12-04
gspread-dataframe public Read/write gspread worksheets using pandas DataFrames 2023-12-01
gspread public Google Sheets Python API. 2023-12-01
azure-ai-ml public Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Client Library for Python 2023-12-01
strictyaml public Type-safe YAML parser and validator. 2023-12-01
python-pptx public Generate and manipulate Open XML PowerPoint (.pptx) files 2023-11-30
opencensus-ext-azure public OpenCensus Azure Monitor Exporters 2023-11-30
pydash public The kitchen sink of Python utility libraries for doing "stuff" in a functional way. 2023-11-30
azure-identity public Microsoft Azure Identity Library for Python 2023-11-30
data-diff public Compare datasets fast, within or across SQL databases. 2023-11-30
msal_extensions public Microsoft Authentication extensions for MSAL.Python 2023-11-30
dsnparse public Parse dsn urls. 2023-11-30
scikit-optimize public Sequential model-based optimization toolbox. 2023-11-29
azure-storage-file-datalake public This preview package for Python includes ADLS Gen2 specific API support made available in Storage SDK 2023-11-29
azure-storage-file-share public Azure Storage File Share client library for Python 2023-11-29
azure-mgmt-core public Microsoft Azure Management Core Library for Python. 2023-11-29

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