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scipp / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
scipp public No Summary 2024-09-16
plopp public Visualization library for Scipp 2024-09-13
scippnexus public An h5py-like utility for NeXus files with seamless Scipp integration 2024-09-06
essreduce public Common data reduction tools for the ESS facility 2024-09-05
sciline public Build scientific pipelines for your data 2024-08-26
esssans public SANS data reduction for the European Spallation Source 2024-08-23
essreflectometry public Reflectometry data reduction for the European Spallation Source 2024-08-15
scippneutron public Neutron scattering tools for Data Reduction 2024-08-07
esspolarization public Polarization data reduction for the European Spallation Source 2024-07-10
essnmx public Data reduction for NMX at the European Spallation Source. 2024-07-05
tof public A simple tool to create time-of-flight chopper cascade diagrams 2024-07-04
chexus public Validate and check NeXus files 2024-06-19
essdiffraction public Diffraction data reduction for the European Spallation Source 2024-06-17
cyclebane public Transform directed acyclic graphs using map-reduce and groupby operations 2024-06-10
scippuncertainty public Advanced uncertainty propagation with Scipp 2024-05-29
beamlime public Live data reduction visualisation framework for ESS. 2024-05-24
ess public Neutron scattering tools for the European Spallation Source (ESS) 2024-01-22
notevennexus public Validate NeXus files 2023-11-16
copier_template_test public Test of scipp/copier_template 2023-10-16
pipelines-test public Test of common Azure pipelines repo for scipp 2023-06-16
scippbuildtools public Tools for building C++ libraries, python packages and documentation 2023-06-16
scippwidgets public ipywidget wrappers for scipp 2023-06-16

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