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ryanvolz / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
simple-pytree public A dead simple Python package for creating custom JAX pytree objects 2024-06-20
gpjax public Gaussian processes in JAX 2024-06-20
pytreeclass public Visualize, create, and operate on JAX PyTree in the most intuitive way possible 2024-06-20
cola-plum-dispatch public Multiple dispatch in Python (with additional features for the CoLA library) 2024-06-20
cola-ml public Compositional Linear Algebra 2024-06-20
radioconda public Metapackage to install the radioconda package set. 2024-05-29
gnuradio-radar public GNU Radio Radar Toolbox 2024-05-25
gnuradio-inspector public GNU Radio signal analysis toolbox 2024-05-25
gnuradio-gpredict-doppler public GNU Radio Gpredict Doppler shift correction block 2024-05-08
gnuradio-adsb public GNU Radio module to demodulate and decode ADS-B messages 2024-05-08
gnuradio-filerepeater public GNU Radio block to play back files with delays between replays and/or limited replay counts 2024-05-08
gnuradio-rds public GNU Radio module for an FM RDS/TMC Transceiver 2024-05-08
gnuradio-lora_sdr public GNU Radio software-defined radio (SDR) implementation of a LoRa transceiver 2024-05-08
gnuradio-paint public GNU Radio module for OFDM spectrum painting 2024-05-08
gnuradio-leo public A GNU Radio space telecommunication simulator 2024-05-08
gnuradio-leo-data public A GNU Radio space telecommunication simulator 2024-05-08
gnuradio-ieee802_15_4 public IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee Transceiver for GNU Radio 2024-05-07
gnuradio-ieee802_11 public IEEE 802.11 a/g/p Transceiver for GNU Radio 2024-05-07
gnuradio-hpsdr public GNU Radio module for HPSDR Hermes / Metis, and Red Pitaya 2024-05-07
gnuradio-hermeslite2 public GNU Radio interface module for Hermes Lite 2 2024-05-02
gnuradio-fosphor public GNU Radio block for spectrum visualization using GPU 2024-05-02
gnuradio-foo public Collection of GNU Radio blocks useful to other modules 2024-05-02
gnuradio-dect2 public GNU Radio module for DECT voice channel decoding 2024-05-02
sdrplay_api public Script for downloading the SDRplay API binaries 2023-09-14
gnuradio public The free and open software radio ecosystem 2023-07-25
uhd public Software driver and API for the Ettus Research USRP SDR platform 2023-07-25
fftw public The fastest Fourier transform in the west. 2023-06-18
cairo public Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. 2023-06-18
gnuradio-satellites public A collection of decoders for Amateur satellites 2023-06-18
gnuradio-build-deps public Meta-package for GNU Radio deps used to manually build OOT modules 2023-06-18
radioconda_console_shortcut public Command prompt shortcut for Windows with base environment activated 2023-06-16
cppzmq public C++ bindings for 0MQ 2023-06-16
digital_rf public Work with data in the Digital RF and Digital Metadata formats. 2023-06-16
libusb public A cross-platform library to access USB devices 2023-06-16
log4cpp public C++ library for flexible logging 2023-06-16
volk public The Vector Optimized Library of Kernels 2023-06-16

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