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rpi / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
send2trash public Python library to natively send files to Trash (or Recycle bin) on all platforms. 2025-03-25
msgpack public MessagePack (de)serializer. 2025-03-25
pluggy public Plugin registration and hook calling for Python 2025-03-25
attrs public attrs is the Python package that will bring back the joy of writing classes by relieving you from the drudgery of implementing object protocols (aka dunder methods). 2025-03-25
x264 public A free software library for encoding video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format. 2025-03-25
giflib public Library for reading and writing gif images 2025-03-25
jasper public A reference implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard. 2025-03-25
libwebp public WebP image library 2025-03-25
ffmpeg public Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. 2025-03-25
opencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2025-03-25
jupyterlab_launcher public A Launcher for JupyterLab based applications. 2025-03-25
jupyterlab public An extensible environment for interactive and reproducible computing, based on the Jupyter Notebook and Architecture. 2025-03-25
seaborn public Statistical data visualization 2025-03-25
statsmodels public Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy 2025-03-25
patsy public Describing statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas 2025-03-25
dask-core public Parallel Python with task scheduling 2025-03-25
holoviews public Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself. 2025-03-25
param public Param: Make your Python code clearer and more reliable by declaring Parameters 2025-03-25
lancet public Launch jobs, organize the output, and dissect the results. 2025-03-25
jupyter public Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. 2025-03-25
jupyter_console public Jupyter terminal console 2025-03-25
ipywidgets public Jupyter Interactive Widgets 2025-03-25
widgetsnbextension public Interactive Widgets for Jupyter 2025-03-25
pyopengl public Standard OpenGL bindings for Python 2025-03-25
arm_pyart public Python ARM Radar Toolkit 2025-03-25

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