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rocketce / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
cudatoolkit public CUDA Toolkit - Including CUDA runtime 2023-12-18
av public Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg. 2023-12-18
arrow-cpp-proc public A meta-package to select Arrow build variant 2023-12-18
arrow-cpp public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow 2023-12-18
apache-beam public Apache Beam: An advanced unified programming model 2023-12-18
absl-py public Abseil Python Common Libraries, see https://github.com/abseil/abseil-py. 2023-12-18
pydot public Python interface to Graphviz's Dot 2023-12-18
pybind11-global public Seamless operability between C++11 and Python 2023-12-18
pybind11 public Seamless operability between C++11 and Python 2023-12-18
pyarrow public Python libraries for Apache Arrow 2023-12-18
prophet public Automatic Forecasting Procedure 2023-12-18
ortools-python public Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package 2023-12-18
openmpi public An open source Message Passing Interface implementation. 2023-12-18
numpy public The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. 2023-12-18
mamba public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2023-12-18
lightgbm-proc public Light Gradient Boosting Machine that uses tree based learning algorithms 2023-12-18
lightgbm public Light Gradient Boosting Machine that uses tree based learning algorithms 2023-12-18
libxgboost public Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library 2023-12-18
libopencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2023-12-18
libmambapy public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2023-12-18
libmamba public A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution 2023-12-18
liblightgbm public Light Gradient Boosting Machine that uses tree based learning algorithms 2023-12-18
deepspeed public DeepSpeed Library: An easy-to-use deep learning optimization software suite. 2023-12-18
dali-tf-plugin public A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data pre-processing in deep learning applications 2023-12-18
dali public A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data pre-processing in deep learning applications 2023-12-18
xgboost public Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library 2023-12-18
torchvision-cpu public Meta-package to install CPU-only torchvision variant 2023-12-18
torchvision-base public Image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning 2023-12-18
torchvision public Meta-package to install GPU-enabled torchvision variant 2023-12-18
torchtext-cpu public Meta-package to install torchtext variant for CPU-only pytorch 2023-12-18
torchtext-base public Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch 2023-12-18
torchtext public Meta-package to install torchtext variant for GPU-enabled pytorch 2023-12-18
tf2onnx public Tensorflow to ONNX converter 2023-12-18
tensorflow-text public TF.Text is a TensorFlow library of text related ops, modules, and subgraphs. 2023-12-18
tensorflow-addons public A library that implements new functionality not available in core TensorFlow. 2023-12-18
sentencepiece public An unsupervised text tokenizer and detokenizer mainly for Neural Network-based text generation systems. 2023-12-18
ray-tune public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-train public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-serve public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-rllib public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-default public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-data public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-dashboard public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-core public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-all public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
ray-air public Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications. 2023-12-18
pytorch public Meta-package to install GPU-enabled PyTorch variant 2023-12-18
py-opencv public Computer vision and machine learning software library. 2023-12-18
cloudpickle public Extended pickling support for Python objects 2023-12-18
blessed public Easy, practical library for making terminal apps, by providing an elegant, well-documented interface to Colors, Keyboard input, and screen Positioning capabilities. 2023-12-18

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