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rdonnelly / packages / libtool-amzn2-aarch64 2.4.2

(CDT) The GNU Portable Library Tool


  • noarch v2.4.2

conda install

To install this package run one of the following:
conda install rdonnelly::libtool-amzn2-aarch64


GNU Libtool is a set of shell scripts which automatically configure UNIX and UNIX-like systems to generically build shared libraries. Libtool provides a consistent, portable interface which simplifies the process of using shared libraries. If you are developing programs which will use shared libraries, but do not use the rest of the GNU Autotools (such as GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake), you should install the libtool package. The libtool package also includes all files needed to integrate the GNU Portable Library Tool (libtool) and the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader (ltdl) into a package built using the GNU Autotools (including GNU Autoconf and GNU Automake).

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