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rapidsai-wheels-nightly / packages / rapids-build-backend 0.3.3

  • 511406 total downloads
  • Last upload: 13 days and 10 hours ago


pip install

To install this package run one of the following:
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/rapidsai-wheels-nightly/simple rapids-build-backend


RAPIDS PEP517 build backend

rapids-build-backend is an adapter around PEP517 builders that provides support for key RAPIDS requirements.

The package's primary purpose is to automate the various bits of preprocessing that are typically done to RAPIDS package metadata prior to publishing packages.

It is responsible for the following:

  • Determining the correct dependencies for the package, based on the target CUDA version and architecture
  • Modifying the package name to include a CUDA suffix (e.g. "rmm" -> "rmm-cu11")
  • Updating the git commit embedded in the importable package.

Supported builders

The project is known to support the following builders:

  • scikit-build-core
  • setuptools

Supported configuration

rapids-build-backend exposes configuration for skipping or modifying behaviors that might be desirable only in some scenarios (e.g. wheel vs conda builds vs editable installs).

Any option without a default is required.

| Option | Definition | Type | Default | Supports dynamic modification | |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------| | build-backend | The wrapped build backend (e.g. setuptools.build_meta) | string | | N | | commit-files | List of files in which to write the git commit hash | list[str] | ["/GIT_COMMIT"] | N | | dependencies-file | The path to the dependencies.yaml file to use | string | "dependencies.yaml" | Y | | disable-cuda | If true, CUDA version in build environment is ignored when setting package name and dependencies | bool | false | Y | | matrix-entry | A ;-separated list of =-delimited key/value pairs | string | "" | Y | | requires | List of build requirements (in addition to build-system.requires) | list[str] | [] | N |

This configuration can be provided via the following mechanisms:

  • [tool.rapids-build-backend] table in pyproject.toml
  • -C / --config-settings passed to tools like build and pip
    • (prefixed with rapidsai., e.g. pip wheel -C rapidsai.disable=cuda=true .)
  • environment variables
    • (prefixed with RAPIDS_, e.g. RAPIDS_DISABLE_CUDA=true pip wheel .)

setuptools support

This project supports builds using setuptools.build_meta as their build backend, and which use a setup.py for configuration.

However, it does not support passing a list of dependencies through setup_requires to setuptools.setup(). If you're interested in using setuptools.build_meta and a setup.py, pass a list of dependencies that need to be installed prior to setup.py running through rapids-build-backend's requirements, like this:

build-backend = "rapids_build_backend.build"
requires = [

build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
requires = [

Other build dependencies

When using rapids-build-backend, the [build-system] table in pyproject.toml should only include rapids-build-backend and the library providing the build backend it wraps.

For example:

build-backend = "rapids_build_backend.build"
requires = [

Any other build-time dependencies should be provided via requires in the [tool.rapids-build-backend] table.

For example:

build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
dependencies-file = "dependencies.yaml"
requires = [

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