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rapidsai-nightly / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
arrow-cpp public C++ libraries for Apache Arrow 2025-03-25
cudatoolkit public CUDA Toolkit - Including CUDA runtime 2025-03-25
cudnn public NVIDIA's cuDNN deep neural network acceleration library 2025-03-25
cutensor public Tensor Linear Algebra on NVIDIA GPUs 2025-03-25
cusparselt public Tensor Linear Algebra on NVIDIA GPUs 2025-03-25
nccl public Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication 2025-03-25
libfaiss-avx2 public A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. 2025-03-25
asvdb public No Summary 2025-03-25
rapids-pytest-benchmark public No Summary 2025-03-25
blazingsql-notebook-env public No Summary 2025-03-25
blazingsql-build-env public No Summary 2025-03-25
rapids-blazing public RAPIDS Suite - Open GPU Data Science 2025-03-25
blazingsql public GPU-powered distributed SQL engine in Python 2025-03-25
cupy public CuPy is an implementation of a NumPy-compatible multi-dimensional array on CUDA. 2025-03-25
libfaiss public A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. 2025-03-25
faiss-proc public A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. 2025-03-25
faiss-gpu public A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. 2025-03-25
faiss public A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. 2025-03-25
libnl3-devel-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Libraries and headers for using libnl3 2025-03-25
libnl3-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets (libnl3) 2025-03-25
libnl3-cli-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Command line interface utils for libnl3 2025-03-25
rdma-core-devel-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) RDMA core development libraries and headers 2025-03-25
rdma-core-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) RDMA core userspace libraries and daemons 2025-03-25
numactl-libs-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Library for tuning for Non Uniform Memory Access machines 2025-03-25
numactl-devel-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Development package for building Applications that use numa 2025-03-25
numactl-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Library for tuning for Non Uniform Memory Access machines 2025-03-25
librdmacm-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Userspace RDMA Connection Manager 2025-03-25
librdmacm-devel-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Development files for the librdmacm library 2025-03-25
libibverbs-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) A library for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP) hardware 2025-03-25
libibumad-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Development files for the libibumad library 2025-03-25
ibacm-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) InfiniBand Communication Manager Assistant 2025-03-25
libcypher-parser public No Summary 2025-03-25
gpuci-tools public User tools for use within the gpuCI environment 2025-03-25
frigate public A tool for autogenerating helm documentation 2025-03-25
libclx public libclx library 2025-03-25
rapids-doc-env public RAPIDS Documentation Dependencies and Tool Environment Installer 2025-03-25
rapids-notebook-env public RAPIDS Notebook Dependencies and Tool Environment Installer 2025-03-25
rapids-build-env public RAPIDS Build Dependencies and Tool Environment Installer 2025-03-25
cusignal public cuSignal core library 2025-03-25
ucx-proc public A meta-package to select CPU or GPU UCX build. 2025-03-25
ucx public Unified Communication X. 2025-03-25
jupyterlab-nvdashboard public A JupyterLab extension for displaying dashboards of GPU usage 2025-03-25
clx public clx library 2025-03-25
dask-xgboost public Launch, train, and test with XGBoost from Dask 2025-03-25
xgboost-proc public A meta-package to select CPU or GPU build. 2025-03-25
xgboost public Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow 2025-03-25
py-xgboost public Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow 2025-03-25
libxgboost public Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow 2025-03-25
libnvstrings public libnvstrings library 2025-03-25
nvstrings public nvstrings library 2025-03-25

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