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A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions for modelling that help you seamlessly integrate modelling into a pipeline of data manipulation and visualisation.
2023-06-16 |
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The contents of this package have been merged into rgl, so it is no longer needed.
2023-06-16 |
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Python interface to the R language (embedded R)
2023-06-16 |
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A framework for text mining applications within R.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides fast and efficient routines for common rolling / windowed operations. Routines for the efficient computation of windowed mean, median, sum, product, minimum, maximum, standard deviation and variance are provided.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides infrastructure to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions.
2023-06-16 |
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High-performing functions operating on rows and columns of matrices, e.g. col / rowMedians(), col / rowRanks(), and col / rowSds(). Functions optimized per data type and for subsetted calculations such that both memory usage and processing time is minimized. There are also optimized vector-based methods, e.g. binMeans(), madDiff() and weightedMedian().
2023-06-16 |
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Generate your Rd documentation, 'NAMESPACE' file, and collation field using specially formatted comments. Writing documentation in-line with code makes it easier to keep your documentation up-to-date as your requirements change. 'Roxygen2' is inspired by the 'Doxygen' system for C++.
2023-06-16 |
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Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in separate packages ('mapproj' and 'mapdata').
2023-06-16 |
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Improved predictive models by indirect classification and bagging for classification, regression and survival problems as well as resampling based estimators of prediction error.
2023-06-16 |
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This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and display bitmap images stored in the JPEG format. It can read and write both files and in-memory raw vectors.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides an interface to the Gibbs 'SeaWater' ('TEOS-10') C library, version 3.05-4 (commit '5b4d959e54031f9e972f3e863f63e67fa4f5bfec', dated 2017-08-07, available at <https://github.com/TEOS-10/GSW-C>, which stems from 'Matlab' and other code written by members of Working Group 127 of 'SCOR'/'IAPSO' (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research / International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans).
2023-06-16 |
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Provide for uniform handling of R's different time-based data classes by extending zoo, maximizing native format information preservation and allowing for user level customization and extension, while simplifying cross-class interoperability.
2023-06-16 |
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Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers).
2023-06-16 |
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Functions and data to construct technical trading rules with R.
2023-06-16 |
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Data structures and algorithms for sparse arrays and matrices, based on index arrays and simple triplet representations, respectively.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides a collection of functions to analyze and model heteroskedastic behavior in financial time series models.
2023-06-16 |
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A collection of dimensionality reduction techniques from R packages and a common interface for calling the methods.
2023-06-16 |
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Embeds the 'SQLite' database engine in R and provides an interface compliant with the 'DBI' package. The source for the 'SQLite' engine is included.
2023-06-16 |
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PKI functions such as verifying certificates, RSA encription and signing which can be used to build PKI infrastructure and perform cryptographic tasks.
2023-06-16 |
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Extremely efficient procedures for fitting the entire lasso or elastic-net regularization path for linear regression, logistic and multinomial regression models, Poisson regression and the Cox model. Two recent additions are the multiple-response Gaussian, and the grouped multinomial regression. The algorithm uses cyclical coordinate descent in a path-wise fashion, as described in the paper linked to via the URL below.
2023-06-16 |
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Contains procedures for depth-based supervised learning, which are entirely non-parametric, in particular the DDalpha-procedure (Lange, Mosler and Mozharovskyi, 2014 <doi:10.1007/s00362-012-0488-4>). The training data sample is transformed by a statistical depth function to a compact low-dimensional space, where the final classification is done. It also offers an extension to functional data and routines for calculating certain notions of statistical depth functions. 50 multivariate and 5 functional classification problems are included.
2023-06-16 |
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Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by 'Yihui Xie'.
2023-06-16 |
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Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the 'md5', 'sha-1', 'sha-256', 'crc32', 'xxhash' and 'murmurhash' algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects, as well as a function 'hmac()' to create hash-based message authentication code. Please note that this package is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as 'OpenSSL' should be used.
2023-06-16 |
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Contains data sets used in other packages Torsten Hothorn maintains.
2023-06-16 |
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Tests and assertions to perform frequent argument checks. A substantial part of the package was written in C to minimize any worries about execution time overhead.
2023-06-16 |
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A consistent, simple and easy to use set of wrappers around the fantastic 'stringi' package. All function and argument names (and positions) are consistent, all functions deal with "NA"'s and zero length vectors in the same way, and the output from one function is easy to feed into the input of another.
2023-06-16 |
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Programmatic deployment interface for 'RPubs', 'shinyapps.io', and 'RStudio Connect'. Supported content types include R Markdown documents, Shiny applications, Plumber APIs, plots, and static web content.
2023-06-16 |
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ROC graphs, sensitivity/specificity curves, lift charts, and precision/recall plots are popular examples of trade-off visualizations for specific pairs of performance measures. ROCR is a flexible tool for creating cutoff-parameterized 2D performance curves by freely combining two from over 25 performance measures (new performance measures can be added using a standard interface). Curves from different cross-validation or bootstrapping runs can be averaged by different methods, and standard deviations, standard errors or box plots can be used to visualize the variability across the runs. The parameterization can be visualized by printing cutoff values at the corresponding curve positions, or by coloring the curve according to cutoff. All components of a performance plot can be quickly adjusted using a flexible parameter dispatching mechanism. Despite its flexibility, ROCR is easy to use, with only three commands and reasonable default values for all optional parameters.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides a set of functions for data manipulation with list objects, including mapping, filtering, grouping, sorting, updating, searching, and other useful functions. Most functions are designed to be pipeline friendly so that data processing with lists can be chained.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides 'TK' widget tools for the 'rgl' package.
2023-06-16 |
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Interface to 'Keras' <https://keras.io>, a high-level neural networks 'API'. 'Keras' was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation, supports both convolution based networks and recurrent networks (as well as combinations of the two), and runs seamlessly on both 'CPU' and 'GPU' devices.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions, data sets, examples, demos, and vignettes for the book Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis (2008), Applied Econometrics with R, Springer-Verlag, New York. ISBN 978-0-387-77316-2. (See the vignette "AER" for a package overview.)
2023-06-16 |
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Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics, prediction, and typesetting by storing enhanced model design attributes in the fit. 'rms' is a collection of functions that assist with and streamline modeling. It also contains functions for binary and ordinal logistic regression models, ordinal models for continuous Y with a variety of distribution families, and the Buckley-James multiple regression model for right-censored responses, and implements penalized maximum likelihood estimation for logistic and ordinary linear models. 'rms' works with almost any regression model, but it was especially written to work with binary or ordinal regression models, Cox regression, accelerated failure time models, ordinary linear models, the Buckley-James model, generalized least squares for serially or spatially correlated observations, generalized linear models, and quantile regression.
2023-06-16 |
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Implements the 'libyaml' 'YAML' 1.1 parser and emitter (<http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML>) for R.
2023-06-16 |
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Convert natural language text into tokens. Includes tokenizers for shingled n-grams, skip n-grams, words, word stems, sentences, paragraphs, characters, shingled characters, lines, tweets, Penn Treebank, regular expressions, as well as functions for counting characters, words, and sentences, and a function for splitting longer texts into separate documents, each with the same number of words. The tokenizers have a consistent interface, and the package is built on the 'stringi' and 'Rcpp' packages for fast yet correct tokenization in 'UTF-8'.
2023-06-16 |
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A wrapper for 'libcurl' <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/> Provides functions to allow one to compose general HTTP requests and provides convenient functions to fetch URIs, get & post forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server. This provides a great deal of control over the HTTP/FTP/... connection and the form of the request while providing a higher-level interface than is available just using R socket connections. Additionally, the underlying implementation is robust and extensive, supporting FTP/FTPS/TFTP (uploads and downloads), SSL/HTTPS, telnet, dict, ldap, and also supports cookies, redirects, authentication, etc.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous programming in R using promises. Asynchronous programming is useful for allowing a single R process to orchestrate multiple tasks in the background while also attending to something else. Semantics are similar to 'JavaScript' promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic R.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides R bindings to the 'Sundown' 'Markdown' rendering library (<https://github.com/vmg/sundown>). 'Markdown' is a plain-text formatting syntax that can be converted to 'XHTML' or other formats. See <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown> for more information about 'Markdown'.
2023-06-16 |
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An implementation of interpreted string literals, inspired by Python's Literal String Interpolation <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/> and Docstrings <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/> and Julia's Triple-Quoted String Literals <https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/strings/#triple-quoted-string-literals>.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides a class and various tools for financial time series. This includes basic functions such as scaling and sorting, subsetting, mathematical operations and statistical functions.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides two convenience functions assert() and test_pkg() to facilitate testing R packages.
2023-06-16 |
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Query and print information about the current R session. It is similar to 'utils::sessionInfo()', but includes more information about packages, and where they were installed from.
2023-06-16 |
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Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below a project root. The 'root' of a project is defined as a directory that matches a certain criterion, e.g., it contains a certain regular file.
2023-06-16 |
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Streamlined data import and export by making assumptions that the user is probably willing to make: 'import()' and 'export()' determine the data structure from the file extension, reasonable defaults are used for data import and export (e.g., 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE'), web-based import is natively supported (including from SSL/HTTPS), compressed files can be read directly without explicit decompression, and fast import packages are used where appropriate. An additional convenience function, 'convert()', provides a simple method for converting between file types.
2023-06-16 |
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Download and install R packages stored in 'GitHub', 'BitBucket', or plain 'subversion' or 'git' repositories. This package provides the 'install_*' functions in 'devtools'. Indeed most of the code was copied over from 'devtools'.
2023-06-16 |
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Import excel files into R. Supports '.xls' via the embedded 'libxls' C library <https://github.com/libxls/libxls> and '.xlsx' via the embedded 'RapidXML' C++ library <http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net>. Works on Windows, Mac and Linux without external dependencies.
2023-06-16 |
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Fast, correct, consistent, portable, as well as convenient character string/text processing in every locale and any native encoding. Owing to the use of the 'ICU' (International Components for Unicode) library, the package provides 'R' users with platform-independent functions known to 'Java', 'Perl', 'Python', 'PHP', and 'Ruby' programmers. Available features include: pattern searching (e.g., with 'Java'-like regular expressions or the 'Unicode' collation algorithm), random string generation, case mapping, string transliteration, concatenation, Unicode normalization, date-time formatting and parsing, and many more.
2023-06-16 |
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Generalized additive (mixed) models, some of their extensions and other generalized ridge regression with multiple smoothing parameter estimation by (Restricted) Marginal Likelihood, Generalized Cross Validation and similar, or using iterated nested Laplace approximation for fully Bayesian inference. See Wood (2017) <doi:10.1201/9781315370279> for an overview. Includes a gam() function, a wide variety of smoothers, 'JAGS' support and distributions beyond the exponential family.
2023-06-16 |