Recently many new p-value based multiple test procedures have been proposed, and these new methods are more powerful than the widely used Hochberg procedure. These procedures strongly control the familywise error rate (FWER). This is a comprehensive collection of p-value based FWER-control stepwise multiple test procedures, including six procedure families and thirty multiple test procedures. In this collection, the conservative Hochberg procedure, linear time Hommel procedures, asymptotic Rom procedure, Gou-Tamhane-Xi-Rom procedures, and Quick procedures are all developed in recent five years since 2014. The package name "elitism" is an acronym of "e"quipment for "l"ogarithmic and l"i"near "ti"me "s"tepwise "m"ultiple hypothesis testing. Version 1.0.0 was released on June 26, 2019. See Gou, J., and Zhang, F. (2020). Quick multiple test procedures and p-value adjustments. Technical report.
Label | Latest Version |
main | 1.0.4 |