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The concordance method is a non-parametric method based on bootstrapping that is used to test the hypothesis that two subsets of time series are similar in terms of mean, variance or both. This method was developed to address a concern within dendroclimatology that young trees may produce a differing climate response to older more established trees. Details of this method are available in Pirie, M. (2013). The Climate of New Zealand reconstructed from kauri tree rings: Enhancement through the use of novel statistical methodology. PhD. Dissertation, School of Environment and Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand. This package also produces a figure with 3 panels, each panel is for a different climate variable. An example of this figure in included in "On the influence of tree size on the climate - growth relationship of New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis): insights from annual, monthly and daily growth patterns. J Wunder, AM Fowler, ER Cook, M Pirie, SPJ McCloskey. Trees 27 (4), 937-948". For further R functions for loading your own dendroclimatology datasets and performing dendrochronology analysis refer to the R package "dplR: Dendrochronology Program Library in R". The concordance procedure is intended to add to the standard dendrochronology techniques provided in "dplR".

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