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Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-elevatr public Several web services are available that provide access to elevation data. This package provides access to many of those services and returns elevation data either as an 'sf' simple features object from point elevation services or as a 'raster' object from raster elevation services. In future versions, 'elevatr' will drop support for 'raster' and will instead return 'terra' objects. Currently, the package supports access to the Amazon Web Services Terrain Tiles <https://registry.opendata.aws/terrain-tiles/>, the Open Topography Global Datasets API <https://opentopography.org/developers/>, and the USGS Elevation Point Query Service <https://apps.nationalmap.gov/epqs/>. 2024-01-16
r-emistatr public Provides a fast and parallelised calculator to estimate combined wastewater emissions. It supports the planning and design of urban drainage systems, without the requirement of extensive simulation tools. The 'EmiStatR' package implements modular R methods. This enables to add new functionalities through the R framework. 2024-01-16
r-emhawkes public Simulate and fitting exponential multivariate Hawkes model. This package simulates a multivariate Hawkes model, introduced by Hawkes (1971) <doi:10.2307/2334319>, with an exponential kernel and fits the parameters from the data. Models with the constant parameters, as well as complex dependent structures, can also be simulated and estimated. The estimation is based on the maximum likelihood method, introduced by introduced by Ozaki (1979) <doi:10.1007/BF02480272>, with 'maxLik' package. 2024-01-16
r-emg public Provides basic distribution functions for a mixture model of a Gaussian and exponential distribution. 2024-01-16
r-emdbook public Auxiliary functions and data sets for "Ecological Models and Data", a book presenting maximum likelihood estimation and related topics for ecologists (ISBN 978-0-691-12522-0). 2024-01-16
r-elmso public An implementation of the algorithm described in "Efficient Large- Scale Internet Media Selection Optimization for Online Display Advertising" by Paulson, Luo, and James (Journal of Marketing Research 2018; see URL below for journal text/citation and <http://faculty.marshall.usc.edu/gareth-james/Research/ELMSO.pdf> for a full-text version of the paper). The algorithm here is designed to allocate budget across a set of online advertising opportunities using a coordinate-descent approach, but it can be used in any resource-allocation problem with a matrix of visitation (in the case of the paper, website page- views) and channels (in the paper, websites). The package contains allocation functions both in the presence of bidding, when allocation is dependent on channel-specific cost curves, and when advertising costs are fixed at each channel. 2024-01-16
r-elmr public Training and prediction functions are provided for the Extreme Learning Machine algorithm (ELM). The ELM use a Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Network (SLFN) with random generated weights and no gradient-based backpropagation. The training time is very short and the online version allows to update the model using small chunk of the training set at each iteration. The only parameter to tune is the hidden layer size and the learning function. 2024-01-16
r-egor public Tools for importing, analyzing and visualizing ego-centered network data. Supports several data formats, including the export formats of 'EgoNet', 'EgoWeb 2.0' and 'openeddi'. An interactive (shiny) app for the intuitive visualization of ego-centered networks is provided. Also included are procedures for creating and visualizing Clustered Graphs (Lerner 2008 <DOI:10.1109/PACIFICVIS.2008.4475458>). 2024-01-16
r-elliptic public A suite of elliptic and related functions including Weierstrass and Jacobi forms. Also includes various tools for manipulating and visualizing complex functions. 2024-01-16
r-ellipse public Contains various routines for drawing ellipses and ellipse-like confidence regions, implementing the plots described in Murdoch and Chow (1996, <doi:10.2307/2684435>). There are also routines implementing the profile plots described in Bates and Watts (1988, <doi:10.1002/9780470316757>). 2024-01-16
r-elliplot public Correlation chart of two set (x and y) of data. Using Quantiles. Visualize the effect of factor. 2024-01-16
r-elitism public Recently many new p-value based multiple test procedures have been proposed, and these new methods are more powerful than the widely used Hochberg procedure. These procedures strongly control the familywise error rate (FWER). This is a comprehensive collection of p-value based FWER-control stepwise multiple test procedures, including six procedure families and thirty multiple test procedures. In this collection, the conservative Hochberg procedure, linear time Hommel procedures, asymptotic Rom procedure, Gou-Tamhane-Xi-Rom procedures, and Quick procedures are all developed in recent five years since 2014. The package name "elitism" is an acronym of "e"quipment for "l"ogarithmic and l"i"near "ti"me "s"tepwise "m"ultiple hypothesis testing. See Gou, J. (2022), "Quick multiple test procedures and p-value adjustments", Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 14(4), 636-650. 2024-01-16
r-elhmc public A tool to draw samples from a Empirical Likelihood Bayesian posterior of parameters using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. 2024-01-16
r-elexr public Provides R access to election results data. Wraps elex (https://github.com/newsdev/elex/), a Python package and command line tool for fetching and parsing Associated Press election results. 2024-01-16
r-electivity public Provides all electivity algorithms (including Vanderploeg and Scavia electivity) that were examined in Lechowicz (1982) <doi:10.1007/BF00349007>, plus the example data that were provided for moth resource utilisation. 2024-01-16
r-elections public This includes a dataset on the outcomes of the USA presidential elections since 1920, and various predictors, as used in <http://vanderwalresearch.com/blog/15-elections>. 2024-01-16
r-elastic public Connect to 'Elasticsearch', a 'NoSQL' database built on the 'Java' Virtual Machine. Interacts with the 'Elasticsearch' 'HTTP' API (<https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch/>), including functions for setting connection details to 'Elasticsearch' instances, loading bulk data, searching for documents with both 'HTTP' query variables and 'JSON' based body requests. In addition, 'elastic' provides functions for interacting with API's for 'indices', documents, nodes, clusters, an interface to the cat API, and more. 2024-01-16
r-egg public Miscellaneous functions to help customise 'ggplot2' objects. High-level functions are provided to post-process 'ggplot2' layouts and allow alignment between plot panels, as well as setting panel sizes to fixed values. Other functions include a custom 'geom', and helper functions to enforce symmetric scales or add tags to facetted plots. 2024-01-16
r-elec public This is a bizarre collection of functions written to do various sorts of statistical election audits. There are also functions to generate simulated voting data, and simulated "truth" so as to do simulations to check characteristics of these methods. 2024-01-16
r-elasticnet public Provides functions for fitting the entire solution path of the Elastic-Net and also provides functions for doing sparse PCA. 2024-01-16
r-el2surv public Functions for computing critical values and implementing the one-sided/two-sided EL tests. 2024-01-16
r-ekmcmc public Functions for estimating catalytic constant and Michaelis-Menten constant for enzyme kinetics model using Metropolis-Hasting algorithm within Gibbs sampler based on the Bayesian framework. 2024-01-16
r-eikosograms public An eikosogram (ancient Greek for probability picture) divides the unit square into rectangular regions whose areas, sides, and widths, represent various probabilities associated with the values of one or more categorical variates. Rectangle areas are joint probabilities, widths are always marginal (though possibly joint margins, i.e. marginal joint distributions of two or more variates), and heights of rectangles are always conditional probabilities. Eikosograms embed the rules of probability and are useful for introducing elementary probability theory, including axioms, marginal, conditional, and joint probabilities, and their relationships (including Bayes theorem as a completely trivial consequence). They are markedly superior to Venn diagrams for this purpose, especially in distinguishing probabilistic independence, mutually exclusive events, coincident events, and associations. They also are useful for identifying and understanding conditional independence structure. As data analysis tools, eikosograms display categorical data in a manner similar to Mosaic plots, especially when only two variates are involved (the only case in which they are essentially identical, though eikosograms purposely disallow spacing between rectangles). Unlike Mosaic plots, eikosograms do not alternate axes as each new categorical variate (beyond two) is introduced. Instead, only one categorical variate, designated the "response", presents on the vertical axis and all others, designated the "conditioning" variates, appear on the horizontal. In this way, conditional probability appears only as height and marginal probabilities as widths. The eikosogram is therefore much better suited to a response model analysis (e.g. logistic model) than is a Mosaic plot. Mosaic plots are better suited to log-linear style modelling as in discrete multivariate analysis. Of course, eikosograms are also suited to discrete multivariate analysis with each variate in turn appearing as the response. This makes it better suited than Mosaic plots to discrete graphical models based on conditional independence graphs (i.e. "Bayesian Networks" or "BayesNets"). The eikosogram and its superiority to Venn diagrams in teaching probability is described in W.H. Cherry and R.W. Oldford (2003) <https://math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/papers/eikosograms/paper.pdf>, its value in exploring conditional independence structure and relation to graphical and log-linear models is described in R.W. Oldford (2003) <https://math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/papers/eikosograms/independence/paper.pdf>, and a number of problems, puzzles, and paradoxes that are easily explained with eikosograms are given in R.W. Oldford (2003) <https://math.uwaterloo.ca/~rwoldfor/papers/eikosograms/examples/paper.pdf>. 2024-01-16
r-eigenmodel public Estimation of the parameters in a model for symmetric relational data (e.g., the above-diagonal part of a square matrix), using a model-based eigenvalue decomposition and regression. Missing data is accommodated, and a posterior mean for missing data is calculated under the assumption that the data are missing at random. The marginal distribution of the relational data can be arbitrary, and is fit with an ordered probit specification. See Hoff (2007) <arXiv:0711.1146> for details on the model. 2024-01-16
r-effectsize public Provide utilities to work with indices of effect size for a wide variety of models and hypothesis tests (see list of supported models using the function 'insight::supported_models()'), allowing computation of and conversion between indices such as Cohen's d, r, odds, etc. References: Ben-Shachar et al. (2020) <doi:10.21105/joss.02815>. 2024-01-16
r-ehof public Extended and enhanced hierarchical logistic regression models (called Huisman-Olff-Fresco in biology, see Huisman et al. 1993 Journal of Vegetation Science <doi:10.1111/jvs.12050>) models. Response curves along one-dimensional gradients including no response, monotone, plateau, unimodal and bimodal models. 2024-01-16
r-egst public Genetic predisposition for complex traits is often manifested through multiple tissues of interest at different time points in the development. As an example, the genetic predisposition for obesity could be manifested through inherited variants that control metabolism through regulation of genes expressed in the brain and/or through the control of fat storage in the adipose tissue by dysregulation of genes expressed in adipose tissue. We present a method eGST (eQTL-based genetic subtyper) that integrates tissue-specific eQTLs with GWAS data for a complex trait to probabilistically assign a tissue of interest to the phenotype of each individual in the study. eGST estimates the posterior probability that an individual's phenotype can be assigned to a tissue based on individual-level genotype data of tissue-specific eQTLs and marginal phenotype data in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) cohort. Under a Bayesian framework of mixture model, eGST employs a maximum a posteriori (MAP) expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the tissue-specific posterior probability across individuals. Methodology is available from: A Majumdar, C Giambartolomei, N Cai, MK Freund, T Haldar, T Schwarz, J Flint, B Pasaniuc (2019) <doi:10.1101/674226>. 2024-01-16
r-efflog public Fitting a causal loglinear model and calculating the causal effects for a causal loglinear model with the multiplicative interaction or without the multiplicative interaction, obtaining the natural direct, indirect and the total effect. It calculates also the cell effect, which is a new interaction effect. 2024-01-16
r-effsize public A collection of functions to compute the standardized effect sizes for experiments (Cohen d, Hedges g, Cliff delta, Vargha-Delaney A). The computation algorithms have been optimized to allow efficient computation even with very large data sets. 2024-01-16
r-effects public Graphical and tabular effect displays, e.g., of interactions, for various statistical models with linear predictors. 2024-01-16
r-efficientmaxeigenpair public An implementation for using efficient initials to compute the maximal eigenpair in R. It provides three algorithms to find the efficient initials under two cases: the tridiagonal matrix case and the general matrix case. Besides, it also provides two algorithms for the next to the maximal eigenpair under these two cases. 2024-01-16
r-effecttreat public In personalized medicine, one wants to know, for a given patient and his or her outcome for a predictor (pre-treatment variable), how likely it is that a treatment will be more beneficial than an alternative treatment. This package allows for the quantification of the predictive causal association (i.e., the association between the predictor variable and the individual causal effect of the treatment) and related metrics. Part of this software has been developed using funding provided from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement no 602552. 2024-01-16
r-effectstars2 public Provides functions for the method of effect stars as proposed by Tutz and Schauberger (2013) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2012.701379>. Effect stars can be used to visualize estimates of parameters corresponding to different groups, for example in multinomial logit models. Beside the main function 'effectstars' there exist methods for special objects, for example for 'vglm' objects from the 'VGAM' package. 2024-01-16
r-effectstars public Notice: The package EffectStars2 provides a more up-to-date implementation of effect stars! EffectStars provides functions to visualize regression models with categorical response as proposed by Tutz and Schauberger (2013) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2012.701379>. The effects of the variables are plotted with star plots in order to allow for an optical impression of the fitted model. 2024-01-16
r-efa.dimensions public Functions for eleven procedures for determining the number of factors, including functions for parallel analysis and the minimum average partial test. There are also functions for conducting principal components analysis, principal axis factor analysis, maximum likelihood factor analysis, image factor analysis, and extension factor analysis, all of which can take raw data or correlation matrices as input and with options for conducting the analyses using Pearson correlations, Kendall correlations, Spearman correlations, gamma correlations, or polychoric correlations. Varimax rotation, promax rotation, and Procrustes rotations can be performed. Additional functions focus on the factorability of a correlation matrix, the congruences between factors from different datasets, the assessment of local independence, the assessment of factor solution complexity, and internal consistency. Auerswald & Moshagen (2019, ISSN:1939-1463); Field, Miles, & Field (2012, ISBN:978-1-4462-0045-2); Mulaik (2010, ISBN:978-1-4200-9981-2); O'Connor (2000, <doi:10.3758/bf03200807>); O'Connor (2001, ISSN:0146-6216). 2024-01-16
r-eeptools public Collection of convenience functions to make working with administrative records easier and more consistent. Includes functions to clean strings, and identify cut points. Also includes three example data sets of administrative education records for learning how to process records with errors. 2024-01-16
r-editdata public An 'RStudio' addin for editing a 'data.frame' or a 'tibble'. You can delete, add or update a 'data.frame' without coding. You can get resultant data as a 'data.frame'. In the package, modularized 'shiny' app codes are provided. These modules are intended for reuse across applications. 2024-01-16
r-edgar public In the USA, companies file different forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) through EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system). The EDGAR database automated system collects all the different necessary filings and makes it publicly available. This package facilitates retrieving, storing, searching, and parsing of all the available filings on the EDGAR server. It downloads filings from SEC server in bulk with a single query. Additionally, it provides various useful functions: extracts 8-K triggering events, extract "Business (Item 1)" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis(Item 7)" sections of annual statements, searches filings for desired keywords, provides sentiment measures, parses filing header information, and provides HTML view of SEC filings. 2024-01-16
r-edsurvey public Read in and analyze functions for education survey and assessment data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) <https://nces.ed.gov/>, including National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data <https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/> and data from the International Assessment Database: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) <https://www.oecd.org/>, including Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), and International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) <https://www.iea.nl/>, including Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), TIMSS Advanced, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS), International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS), and Civic Education Study (CivEd). 2024-01-16
r-eegkitdata public Contains the example EEG data used in the package eegkit. Also contains code for easily creating larger EEG datasets from the EEG Database on the UCI Machine Learning Repository. 2024-01-16
r-edear public Exploratory and descriptive analysis of event based data. Provides methods for describing and selecting process data, and for preparing event log data for process mining. Builds on the S3-class for event logs implemented in the package 'bupaR'. 2024-01-16
r-edison public Package EDISON (Estimation of Directed Interactions from Sequences Of Non-homogeneous gene expression) runs an MCMC simulation to reconstruct networks from time series data, using a non-homogeneous, time-varying dynamic Bayesian network. Networks segments and changepoints are inferred concurrently, and information sharing priors provide a reduction of the inference uncertainty. 2024-01-16
r-ecospat public Collection of R functions and data sets for the support of spatial ecology analyses with a focus on pre, core and post modelling analyses of species distribution, niche quantification and community assembly. Written by current and former members and collaborators of the ecospat group of Antoine Guisan, Department of Ecology and Evolution (DEE) and Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST), University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Read Di Cola et al. (2016) <doi:10.1111/ecog.02671> for details. 2024-01-16
r-edgecorr public Facilitates basic spatial edge correction to point pattern data. 2024-01-16
r-edgebundler public Generates interactive circle plots with the nodes around the circumference and linkages between the connected nodes using hierarchical edge bundling via the D3 JavaScript library. See <http://d3js.org/> for more information on D3. 2024-01-16
r-edgarwebr public A set of methods to access and parse live filing information from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC - <https://www.sec.gov/>) including company and fund filings along with all associated metadata. 2024-01-16
r-ecoindr public Calculates several indices, such as of diversity, fluctuation, etc., and they are used to estimate ecological indicators. 2024-01-16
r-edfun public Easily creating empirical distribution functions from data: 'dfun', 'pfun', 'qfun' and 'rfun'. 2024-01-16
r-edfreader public Reads European Data Format files EDF and EDF+, see <http://www.edfplus.info>, BioSemi Data Format files BDF, see <http://www.biosemi.com/faq/file_format.htm>, and BDF+ files, see <http://www.teuniz.net/edfbrowser/bdfplus%20format%20description.html>. The files are read in two steps: first the header is read and then the signals (using the header object as a parameter). 2024-01-16
r-edf public Import physiologic data stored in the European Data Format (EDF and EDF+) into R. Both EDF and EDF+ files are supported. Discontinuous EDF+ files are not yet supported. 2024-01-16

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