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r / packages / r-badgecreatr

Tired of copy and pasting almost identical markdown for badges in every new R-package that you create, on Github or other code-sharing sites? This package allows you to easily paste badges. If you want to, it will also search your DESCRIPTION file and extract the package name, license, R-version, and current projectversion and transform that into badges. It will also search for a ".travis.yml" file and create a "Travis"" badge, if you use "Codecov.io" to check your code coverage after a "Travis" build this package will also build a "Codecov.io"-badge. All the badges can be placed individually or can be placed below the top "YAML"" content of your "RMarkdown file" (Readme.Rmd) or "README.md" file. Currently creates badges for Projectstatus ("Repostatus.org"), license Travis Build Status, Codecov, Minimal R version, CRAN status, CRAN downloads, Github stars and forks, Package rank, rdocumentation, current version of your package and last change of "README.Rmd".

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