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pyston / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
llvmlite public A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers. 2023-06-16
websocket-client public WebSocket client for Python with low level API options 2023-06-16
regex public Alternative regular expression module, to replace re 2023-06-16
wrapt public Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching 2023-06-16
mpi4py public Python bindings for MPI 2023-06-16
greenlet public Lightweight in-process concurrent programming 2023-06-16
pycosat public Bindings to picosat (a SAT solver) 2023-06-16
traceback2 public Backports of the traceback module 2023-06-16
pydot public Python interface to Graphviz's Dot 2023-06-16
debugpy public An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python 2023-06-16
docutils public Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities 2023-06-16
coverage public Code coverage measurement for Python 2023-06-16
future public Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 2023-06-16
websockets public A library for developing WebSocket servers and clients in Python. 2023-06-16
mock public A library for testing in Python 2023-06-16
immutables public Immutable Collections 2023-06-16
pywin32 public Python extensions for Windows 2023-06-16
pyrsistent public Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures 2023-06-16
jedi public An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors. 2023-06-16
markupsafe public A Python module that implements the jinja2.Markup string 2023-06-16
chardet public Universal character encoding detector 2023-06-16
sip public A Python bindings generator for C/C++ libraries 2023-06-16
tornado public A Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. 2023-06-16
libbrotlicommon public Brotli compression format 2023-06-16
brotli public Brotli compression format 2023-06-16
libbrotlidec public Brotli compression format 2023-06-16
libbrotlienc public Brotli compression format 2023-06-16
brotli-python public Brotli compression format 2023-06-16
brotli-bin public Brotli compression format 2023-06-16
cython public The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language 2023-06-16
kiwisolver public A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver 2023-06-16
unicodedata2 public unicodedata backport/updates to python 3 and python 2. 2023-06-16
cffi public Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code. 2023-06-16
enum34 public Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4 2023-06-16
frozenlist public A list-like structure which implements collections.abc.MutableSequence 2023-06-16
pysocks public A Python SOCKS client module. See https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks for more information. 2023-06-16
pyston public Pyston Python implementation Metapackage 2023-06-16
setuptools public Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages 2023-06-16
python_abi public No Summary 2023-06-16
python public Pyston Python implementation Metapackage 2023-06-16
pyston2.3 public Pyston Python implementation 2023-06-16
libpython-static public Pyston Python implementation 2023-06-16
certifi public Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2023-06-16
compiler-rt_linux-64 public compiler-rt runtime libraries 2023-06-16
compiler-rt public compiler-rt runtime libraries 2023-06-16
bolt public BOLT is a post-link optimizer developed to speed up large applications. 2023-06-16

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