Package Name | Access | Summary | Updated |
distributions | public | Low-level primitives for collapsed Gibbs sampling in python and C++ | 2023-06-16 |
loom | public | A streaming cross-cat inference engine | 2023-06-16 |
trcrpm | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
libprotobuf | public | Protocol Buffers C library/compiler | 2023-06-16 |
cgpm | public | Library of composable generative population models which serve as the modeling and inference backend of BayesDB | 2023-06-16 |
iventure | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
venture | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
crosscat | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
bayeslite | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
apsw | public | Python wrapper for the SQLite embedded relational database engine. | 2023-06-16 |