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paulscherrerinstitute / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
alvra_tools public Tools for Alvra 2025-03-17
datahub public No Summary 2025-02-26
streamvis public Live stream visualization server for detectors at PSI 2025-02-21
sfdata public SwissFEL Data Files 2025-02-13
slic public SwissFEL Library for Instrument Control 2025-02-13
jungfrau_utils public No Summary 2025-01-23
pyzebra public An experimental data analysis library for zebra instrument. 2024-09-08
data_api public No Summary 2024-08-15
photodiag_web public A webserver for photon diagnostics services. 2024-05-07
pcaspy public Portable Channel Access Server in Python 2024-03-18
snapshot public Tool for saving and restoring snapshots of EPICS channels 2024-02-20
cta_lib public python library to interact with cta app on IOC 2023-11-02
cam_server public No Summary 2023-09-25
cam_server_client public No Summary 2023-09-25
bitshuffle public bitshuffle library. 2023-09-25
hpe-warranty-checker public a simple tool to check HPE warranties 2023-06-18
std_buffer public No Summary 2023-06-18
gf_repstream public Gigafrost stream repeater 2023-06-16
scicat_client public a simple Scicat python client 2023-06-16
swissfel_archive_ingestor_client public No Summary 2023-06-16
archutils public archutils provides command line tools for working with the GFA archivers 2023-06-16
ldaputils public ldap utility commands 2023-06-16
iocutils public No Summary 2023-06-16
sanipy public A command-line tool for epics connection testing 2023-06-16
pco_rclient public Rest client for the lib_cpp_h5_writer / pco writer. 2023-06-16
pshell public pshell_client is Python a client to PShell REST interface 2023-06-16
gitutils public GITUTILS is a tool to facilitate the server-side operations when developing software that uses git repositories. 2023-06-16
dia_ui public DIA User Interface is a web interface tool that uses a flask python web server and polymer front end to access and visualize DIA (Detector Integration API). 2023-06-16
python-gitlab public Interact with GitLab API 2023-06-16
sf_databuffer_writer public No Summary 2023-06-16
photodiag public Photon diagnostics tools at SwissFel 2023-06-16
cadump public No Summary 2023-06-16
phpserialize public a port of the serialize and unserialize functions of php to python. 2023-06-16
eco public Eco ... 2023-06-16
psss_processing public No Summary 2023-06-16
reporttool public No Summary 2023-06-16
salh public No Summary 2023-06-16
csaxs_dia public No Summary 2023-06-16
diffcalc public A diffraction condition calculator for X-ray or neutron diffractometer control. 2023-06-16
archiveexport public EPICS Base Library 2023-06-16
xrt public Ray tracing and wave propagation in x-ray regime, primarily meant for modeling synchrotron sources, beamlines and beamline elements. Includes a GUI tool for creating scripts. 2023-06-16
tinydb public TinyDB is a tiny, document oriented database optimized for your happiness :) 2023-06-16
sf_dia public No Summary 2023-06-16
csaxs_cpp_h5_writer public cSAXS C++ ZMQ to H5 writer. 2023-06-16
sf_cpp_h5_writer public SwissFEL C++ ZMQ to H5 writer. 2023-06-16
lib_cpp_h5_writer public C++ library for a ZMQ to H5 writer. 2023-06-16
pplot public pplot is Python a client to PShell plot server 2023-06-16
pshell_client public pshell_client is Python a client to PShell REST interface 2023-06-16
data_tap public No Summary 2023-06-16
cbf public Python library for reading and writing CBF files. 2023-06-16

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