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nanoporetech / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
modkit public A toolkit for working with modified-base data stored within BAM files. 2025-03-27
pod5 public POD5 is a file format for storing nanopore dna data in an easily accessible way. The format is able to be written in a streaming manner which allows a sequencing instrument to directly write the format. 2025-03-25
medaka public Neural network sequence error correction. 2025-03-25
np-artic public No Summary 2025-03-25
ont-spectre public Oxford Nanopore Technologies Plc. fork of Spectre CNV caller 2025-03-25
longphase public LongPhase is an ultra-fast program for simultaneously co-phasing SNPs, small indels, large SVs, and (5mC) modifications for Nanopore and PacBio platforms. 2025-03-25
perl-io-compress public IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers 2025-03-25
perl-compress-raw-bzip2 public Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library 2025-03-25
perl-compress-raw-zlib public Basic utilities for writing tests. 2025-03-25
perl-json-xs public JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast 2025-03-25
whatshap public phase genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads (haplotype assembly) 2025-03-25
time public time command from GNU 2025-03-25
perl-params-validate public Validate method/function parameters 2025-03-25
perl-encode public character encodings in Perl 2025-03-25
xopen public Open compressed files transparently in Python 2025-03-25
perl-data-dumper public seeds germane, yet not germinated 2025-03-25
perl-list-moreutils-xs public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS 2025-03-25
perl-pathtools public Tools for working with directory and file names 2025-03-25
perl-storable public persistence for Perl data structures 2025-03-25
perl-version public Structured version objects 2025-03-25
perl-gd public Perl interface to the gd2 graphics library 2025-03-25
perl-scalar-list-utils public Common Scalar and List utility subroutines 2025-03-25
perl-time-hires public High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers 2025-03-25
perl-extutils-constant public generate XS code to import C header constants 2025-03-25
perl-clone public recursively copy Perl datatypes 2025-03-25

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