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nanoporetech / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
ezcharts public eCharts plotting API 2025-03-07
minimap2 public A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences. 2025-01-27
fastcat public Concatenate fast/a/q/gz and calculate basic statistics 2024-12-05
pod5 public POD5 is a file format for storing nanopore dna data in an easily accessible way. The format is able to be written in a streaming manner which allows a sequencing instrument to directly write the format. 2024-12-03
libsass public A straightforward binding of libsass for Python. Compile Sass/SCSS in Python with no Ruby stack at all! 2024-11-29
ont-spectre public Oxford Nanopore Technologies Plc. fork of Spectre CNV caller 2024-11-08
medaka public Neural network sequence error correction. 2024-10-11
modkit public A versatile pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences. 2024-09-20
aplanat public Bokeh plotting API, with bio-focussed extras. 2024-09-15
epi2melabs public Helper library for miscellaneous EPI2ME Labs functionality 2024-08-20
bcftools public BCFtools is a set of utilities that manipulate variant calls in the Variant Call Format (VCF) and its binary counterpart BCF. All commands work transparently with both VCFs and BCFs, both uncompressed and BGZF-compressed. Most commands accept VCF, bgzipped VCF and BCF with filetype detected automatically even when streaming from a pipe. Indexed VCF and BCF will work in all situations. Un-indexed VCF and BCF and streams will work in most, but not all situations. 2024-08-19
mappy public Minimap2 Python binding 2024-08-19
pysam public Pysam is a Python module for reading and manipulating SAM/BAM/VCF/BCF files. It's a lightweight wrapper of the htslib C-API, the same one that powers samtools, bcftools, and tabix. 2024-08-16
python-edlib public Lightweight, super fast C/C++ (& Python) library for sequence alignment using edit (Levenshtein) distance. 2024-08-16
parasail-python public Python bindings for the parasail C library containing implementations of pairwise sequence alignment algorithms. 2024-08-16
pore-c-py public Python scripts for working with Pore-C data 2024-08-14
pychopper public A tool to identify, orient and rescue full length cDNA reads from nanopore data. 2024-07-25
np-artic public No Summary 2024-07-16
longphase public LongPhase is an ultra-fast program for simultaneously co-phasing SNPs, small indels, large SVs, and (5mC) modifications for Nanopore and PacBio platforms. 2024-07-10
samtools public Tools for dealing with SAM, BAM and CRAM files 2024-03-05
htslib public C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats. 2024-03-04
kraken2-server public Server implementation of kraken2 2024-01-23
perl-json-xs public JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast 2023-10-24
perl-io-compress public IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers 2023-10-24
perl-compress-raw-bzip2 public Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library 2023-10-24
perl-compress-raw-zlib public Basic utilities for writing tests. 2023-10-24
blast public BLAST+ is a new suite of BLAST tools that utilizes the NCBI C++ Toolkit. 2023-10-23
whatshap public phase genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads (haplotype assembly) 2023-10-23
time public time command from GNU 2023-10-20
perl-params-validate public Validate method/function parameters 2023-10-06
perl-encode public character encodings in Perl 2023-10-06
xopen public Open compressed files transparently in Python 2023-10-06
perl-data-dumper public seeds germane, yet not germinated 2023-10-06
perl-list-moreutils-xs public Provide the stuff missing in List::Util in XS 2023-10-06
perl-pathtools public Tools for working with directory and file names 2023-10-06
perl-extutils-constant public generate XS code to import C header constants 2023-10-06
perl-version public Structured version objects 2023-10-06
perl-storable public persistence for Perl data structures 2023-10-06
perl-scalar-list-utils public Common Scalar and List utility subroutines 2023-10-06
perl-gd public Perl interface to the gd2 graphics library 2023-10-06
perl-time-hires public High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers 2023-10-06
perl-clone public recursively copy Perl datatypes 2023-10-06
perl-b-cow public B::COW additional B helpers to check COW status 2023-10-06
pyrodigal public Python bindings to Prodigal, an ORF finder for microbial sequences. 2023-10-06
ncbi-amrfinderplus public AMRFinderPlus finds antimicrobial resistance and other genes in protein or nucleotide sequences. 2023-10-06
piler-cr public Identification and analysis of CRISPR repeats. 2023-10-06
aragorn public ARAGORN, tRNA (and tmRNA) detection 2023-10-06
clustalw public ClustalW2 is a general purpose multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins. 2023-10-05
paml public A package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. 2023-10-05
pyspoa public Python binding to spoa library. 2023-10-04

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