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Simultaneous tests and confidence intervals for general linear hypotheses in parametric models, including linear, generalized linear, linear mixed effects, and survival models. The package includes demos reproducing analyzes presented in the book "Multiple Comparisons Using R" (Bretz, Hothorn, Westfall, 2010, CRC Press).
2023-06-16 |
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Functions are provided for computing the density and the distribution function of multivariate normal and "t" random variables, and for generating random vectors sampled from these distributions. Probabilities are computed via non-Monte Carlo methods; different routines are used in the case d=1, d=2, d>2, if d denotes the number of dimensions.
2023-06-16 |
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Guesses the MIME type from a filename extension using the data derived from /etc/mime.types in UNIX-type systems.
2023-06-16 |
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A collection of tests, data sets, and examples for diagnostic checking in linear regression models. Furthermore, some generic tools for inference in parametric models are provided.
2023-06-16 |
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Various R programming tools for data manipulation, including: - medical unit conversions ('ConvertMedUnits', 'MedUnits'), - combining objects ('bindData', 'cbindX', 'combine', 'interleave'), - character vector operations ('centerText', 'startsWith', 'trim'), - factor manipulation ('levels', 'reorder.factor', 'mapLevels'), - obtaining information about R objects ('object.size', 'elem', 'env', 'humanReadable', 'is.what', 'll', 'keep', 'ls.funs', 'Args','nPairs', 'nobs'), - manipulating MS-Excel formatted files ('read.xls', 'installXLSXsupport', 'sheetCount', 'xlsFormats'), - generating fixed-width format files ('write.fwf'), - extricating components of date & time objects ('getYear', 'getMonth', 'getDay', 'getHour', 'getMin', 'getSec'), - operations on columns of data frames ('matchcols', 'rename.vars'), - matrix operations ('unmatrix', 'upperTriangle', 'lowerTriangle'), - operations on vectors ('case', 'unknownToNA', 'duplicated2', 'trimSum'), - operations on data frames ('frameApply', 'wideByFactor'), - value of last evaluated expression ('ans'), and - wrapper for 'sample' that ensures consistent behavior for both scalar and vector arguments ('resample').
2023-06-16 |
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A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides an easy way to fill an environment with active bindings that call a C++ function.
2023-06-16 |
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A command line parser to be used with Rscript to write "#!" shebang scripts that gracefully accept positional and optional arguments and automatically generate usage.
2023-06-16 |
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Convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models. aov_ez(), aov_car(), and aov_4() allow specification of between, within (i.e., repeated-measures), or mixed between-within (i.e., split-plot) ANOVAs for data in long format (i.e., one observation per row), aggregating multiple observations per individual and cell of the design. mixed() fits mixed models using lme4::lmer() and computes p-values for all fixed effects using either Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom (LMM only), parametric bootstrap (LMMs and GLMMs), or likelihood ratio tests (LMMs and GLMMs). afex uses type 3 sums of squares as default (imitating commercial statistical software).
2023-06-16 |
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Derivative-free optimization by quadratic approximation based on an interface to Fortran implementations by M. J. D. Powell.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, "Modern Applied Statistics with S" (4th edition, 2002).
2023-06-16 |
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Provides functionality to compute various node centrality measures on networks. Included are functions to compute betweenness centrality (by utilizing Madduri and Bader's SNAP library), implementations of Burt's constraint and effective network size (ENS) metrics, Borgatti's algorithm to identify key players, and Valente's bridging metric. On Unix systems, the betweenness, Key Players, and bridging implementations are parallelized with OpenMP, which may run faster on systems which have OpenMP configured.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides functions to create formattable vectors and data frames. 'Formattable' vectors are printed with text formatting, and formattable data frames are printed with multiple types of formatting in HTML to improve the readability of data presented in tabular form rendered in web pages.
2023-06-16 |
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Tools that allow developers to write functions for cross-validation with minimal programming effort and assist users with model selection.
2023-06-16 |
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Set configuration options on a per-package basis. Options set by a given package only apply to that package, other packages are unaffected.
2023-06-16 |
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Miscellaneous small tools and utilities. Many of them facilitate the work with matrices, e.g. inserting rows or columns, creating symmetric matrices, or checking for semidefiniteness. Other tools facilitate the work with regression models, e.g. extracting the standard errors, obtaining the number of (estimated) parameters, or calculating R-squared values.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions to work with date-times and time-spans: fast and user friendly parsing of date-time data, extraction and updating of components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds), algebraic manipulation on date-time and time-span objects. The 'lubridate' package has a consistent and memorable syntax that makes working with dates easy and fun. Parts of the 'CCTZ' source code, released under the Apache 2.0 License, are included in this package. See <https://github.com/google/cctz> for more details.
2023-06-16 |
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logging is a pure R package that implements the ubiquitous log4j package.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides a range of axis labeling algorithms
2023-06-16 |
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This package provides an easy and simple way to read, write and display bitmap images stored in the JPEG format. It can read and write both files and in-memory raw vectors.
2023-06-16 |
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Tools for HTML generation and output.
2023-06-16 |
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Various R programming tools for plotting data, including: - calculating and plotting locally smoothed summary function as ('bandplot', 'wapply'), - enhanced versions of standard plots ('barplot2', 'boxplot2', 'heatmap.2', 'smartlegend'), - manipulating colors ('col2hex', 'colorpanel', 'redgreen', 'greenred', 'bluered', 'redblue', 'rich.colors'), - calculating and plotting two-dimensional data summaries ('ci2d', 'hist2d'), - enhanced regression diagnostic plots ('lmplot2', 'residplot'), - formula-enabled interface to 'stats::lowess' function ('lowess'), - displaying textual data in plots ('textplot', 'sinkplot'), - plotting a matrix where each cell contains a dot whose size reflects the relative magnitude of the elements ('balloonplot'), - plotting "Venn" diagrams ('venn'), - displaying Open-Office style plots ('ooplot'), - plotting multiple data on same region, with separate axes ('overplot'), - plotting means and confidence intervals ('plotCI', 'plotmeans'), - spacing points in an x-y plot so they don't overlap ('space').
2023-06-16 |
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Infrastructure for extended formulas with multiple parts on the right-hand side and/or multiple responses on the left-hand side (see <DOI:10.18637/jss.v034.i01>).
2023-06-16 |
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Provides a wrapper for the download.file function, making it possible to download files over HTTPS on Windows, Mac OS X, and other Unix-like platforms. The 'RCurl' package provides this functionality (and much more) but can be difficult to install because it must be compiled with external dependencies. This package has no external dependencies, so it is much easier to install.
2023-06-16 |
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Specify and fit the Bradley-Terry model, including structured versions in which the parameters are related to explanatory variables through a linear predictor and versions with contest-specific effects, such as a home advantage.
2023-06-16 |
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This package provides tools for handling base64 encoding. It is more flexible than the orphaned base64 package.
2023-06-16 |
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Two nonparametric methods for multiple regression transform selection are provided. The first, Alternative Conditional Expectations (ACE), is an algorithm to find the fixed point of maximal correlation, i.e. it finds a set of transformed response variables that maximizes R^2 using smoothing functions [see Breiman, L., and J.H. Friedman. 1985. "Estimating Optimal Transformations for Multiple Regression and Correlation". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 80:580-598. <doi:10.1080/01621459.1985.10478157>]. Also included is the Additivity Variance Stabilization (AVAS) method which works better than ACE when correlation is low [see Tibshirani, R.. 1986. "Estimating Transformations for Regression via Additivity and Variance Stabilization". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 83:394-405. <doi:10.1080/01621459.1988.10478610>]. A good introduction to these two methods is in chapter 16 of Frank Harrel's "Regression Modeling Strategies" in the Springer Series in Statistics.
2023-06-16 |
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Functions to compute quasi variances and associated measures of approximation error.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R using Literate Programming techniques.
2023-06-16 |
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Functionality to dynamically define R functions and S4 methods with 'inlined' C, C++ or Fortran code supporting the .C and .Call calling conventions.
2023-06-16 |
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An implementation of an interactive grammar of graphics, taking the best parts of 'ggplot2', combining them with the reactive framework of 'shiny' and drawing web graphics using 'vega'.
2023-06-16 |
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Collection of package development tools.
2023-06-16 |
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Tools to read, write, create, and manipulate DESCRIPTION files. It is intended for packages that create or manipulate other packages.
2023-06-16 |
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Specify debug messages as special string constants, and control debugging of packages via environment variables.
2023-06-16 |
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This is a special case of sparse matrices, used by coxme.
2023-06-16 |
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Useful tools to pry back the covers of R and understand the language at a deeper level.
2023-06-16 |
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Easily translate 'ggplot2' graphs to an interactive web-based version and/or create custom web-based visualizations directly from R. Once uploaded to a 'plotly' account, 'plotly' graphs (and the data behind them) can be viewed and modified in a web browser.
2023-06-16 |
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Manage the R packages your project depends on in an isolated, portable, and reproducible way.
2023-06-16 |
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nloptr is an R interface to NLopt. NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different free optimization routines available online as well as original implementations of various other algorithms. See http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/NLopt_Introduction for more information on the available algorithms. During installation on Unix the NLopt code is downloaded and compiled from the NLopt website.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides easy access to, and manipulation of, the Munsell colours. Provides a mapping between Munsell's original notation (e.g. "5R 5/10") and hexadecimal strings suitable for use directly in R graphics. Also provides utilities to explore slices through the Munsell colour tree, to transform Munsell colours and display colour palettes.
2023-06-16 |
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Collection of metrics for evaluating models written in C++ using 'Rcpp'.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides R bindings to the 'Sundown' 'Markdown' rendering library (https://github.com/vmg/sundown). 'Markdown' is a plain-text formatting syntax that can be converted to 'XHTML' or other formats. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown for more information about 'Markdown'.
2023-06-16 |
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Interactive plotting functions for use within RStudio. The manipulate function accepts a plotting expression and a set of controls (e.g. slider, picker, checkbox, or button) which are used to dynamically change values within the expression. When a value is changed using its corresponding control the expression is automatically re-executed and the plot is redrawn.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides the tables from the 'Sean Lahman Baseball Database' as a set of R data.frames. It uses the data on pitching, hitting and fielding performance and other tables from 1871 through 2015, as recorded in the 2016 version of the database.
2023-06-16 |
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A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various contexts including the R console, 'R Markdown' documents, and 'Shiny' web applications.
2023-06-16 |
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Provides functions for summarizing and plotting the output from Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations, as well as diagnostic tests of convergence to the equilibrium distribution of the Markov chain.
2023-06-16 |
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Contains several basic utility functions including: moving (rolling, running) window statistic functions, read/write for GIF and ENVI binary files, fast calculation of AUC, LogitBoost classifier, base64 encoder/decoder, round-off-error-free sum and cumsum, etc.
2023-06-16 |
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It is sometimes useful to perform a computation in a separate R process, without affecting the current R process at all. This packages does exactly that.
2023-06-16 |
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Implementations of functions which have been introduced in R since version 3.0.0. The backports are conditionally exported which results in R resolving the function names to the version shipped with R (if available) and uses the implemented backports as fallback. This way package developers can make use of the new functions without worrying about the minimum required R version.
2023-06-16 |
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Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading strategies.
2023-06-16 |