The Python package for the uFJC single-chain model.
The Python package for the uFJC single-chain model.
The package can be installed using pip
via the Python Package
Index (PyPI),
pip install ufjc
or using conda
via the mrbuche
channel on
conda install --channel mrbuche ufjc
Alternatively, a branch can be directly installed using
pip install git+<branch-name>
or after cloning a branch and executing python install
. There
are also Docker images
available for use. In all of these cases, a valid installation can be
tested by running
python -m ufjc.tests
M. R. Buche and S. J. Grutzik, uFJC
: the Python package for the uFJC
single-chain model, Zenodo
M. R. Buche, M. N. Silberstein, and S. J. Grutzik, Freely jointed chain models with extensible links, Physical Review E 106, 024502 (2022).
Copyright 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.