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MOSAIC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
visu_core public Generic methods and tools for data visualization in VTK, Matplotlib, plotly et al. 2025-03-05
timagetk public TimageTK is a Python package dedicated to image processing of multicellular architectures, such as plants or animals. It is intended for biologists, modellers and computer scientists. 2025-03-04
timagetk_geometry public A Python library providing computational geometry tools for 3D images of multi-cellular tissues. 2025-02-21
cellcomplex public No Summary 2025-02-18
dxtr public Discrete Exterior Calculus library in Python. 2025-02-11
bvpy public Package providing tools to solve BVP (Boundary Value Problem) and IBVP (Initial Boundary Value Problem). 2025-01-27
ctrl public Cell Tracking and Robust Lineaging. 2024-10-17
geoinfer3 public Geometric inference of surface tensions and cell pressures from a 3D tissue segmentation image 2024-09-12
maps_2d public A python package to compute and analyze 2D maps from discrete 3D data. 2024-04-19
treex public treex is a Python library for manipulating rooted trees. The trees can be ordered or not, with or without labels on their vertices. 2024-04-18
lpy_tools public A set of tools to improve L-Py functionalities. 2024-02-16
sam_atlas public No Summary 2024-02-06
developmental_registration public A Python library providing temporal and spatial registration tools for 3D+t sequences data 2023-06-18
lsm3d public Tools for segmenting 3D images of plant tissues at multiple scales using the level set method 2023-06-16
anifilters public Anisotropic filters which reinforce line-structures in 2D and planar structures in 3D 2023-06-16
simulation_core public Basic abstractions for the definition of simulation models on multi-cellular tissues 2023-06-16
geomtree public A package for treating trees augmented with 3D geometry. 2023-06-16
sam_spaghetti public No Summary 2023-06-16
femtk public Package providing tools to run FEM simulation on multi-cellular tissues 2023-06-16
cellfem public Package providing tools to run FEM simulation on multi-cellular tissues 2023-06-16
cellmesh public Meshing interface to gmsh for PropertyTopomesh and simple geometries 2023-06-16
tissue_paredes public Polarity Analysis through Robust Extraction and Density Estimation of Signal at cell-wall level 2023-06-16
tissue2d public Package to simulate growth, division and stiffening of 2D plant tissues 2023-06-16
artificial_tissue public No Summary 2023-06-16
tissue_analysis public An Python library providing image analysis tools to extract quantitative information from 3D segmented tissue images. 2023-06-16
draco_stem public A Python library for the reconstruction of 3D meshes from segmented shoot apical meristem (SAM) tissue images. 2023-06-16
tissue_nukem_3d public A Python library for the detection and quantitative data extraction from microscopy images of cell nuclei. 2023-06-16

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