Package Name | Access | Summary | Updated |
vg | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
splipy | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |
pyscaffold | public | Template tool for putting up the scaffold of a Python project | 2023-06-16 |
sklearn-contrib-py-earth | public | A Python implementation of Jerome Friedman's Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines | 2023-06-16 |
salib | public | Tools for sensitivity analysis. Contains Sobol, Morris, and FAST methods | 2023-06-16 |
pytest-pylint | public | pytest plugin for running pylint against your codebase | 2023-06-16 |
simpleeval | public | A simple, safe single expression evaluator library. | 2023-06-16 |
pytest-qt | public | pytest support for PyQt and PySide applications | 2023-06-16 |
libboost-mingw | public | No Summary | 2023-06-16 |