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Package Name Access Summary Updated
avahi-libs-cos7-s390x public (CDT) Libraries for avahi run-time use 2023-06-16
atk-devel-cos7-s390x public (CDT) Development files for the ATK accessibility toolkit 2023-06-16
atk-cos7-s390x public (CDT) Interfaces for accessibility support 2023-06-16
alsa-lib-devel-cos7-s390x public (CDT) Development files from the ALSA library 2023-06-16
alsa-lib-cos7-s390x public (CDT) The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library 2023-06-16
_sysroot_linux-64_curr_repodata_hack public (CDT) The GNU libc libraries and header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc 2023-06-16
nvcc_win-64 public A meta-package to enable the right nvcc. 2023-06-16
mesa-khr-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) Mesa Khronos development headers 2023-06-16
libxxf86vm-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) X.Org X11 libXxf86vm development package 2023-06-16
libxshmfence-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) Development files for libxshmfence 2023-06-16
libxshmfence-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) X11 shared memory fences 2023-06-16
libglvnd-glx-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) GLX support for libglvnd 2023-06-16
libglvnd-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library 2023-06-16
libdrm-devel-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) Direct Rendering Manager development package 2023-06-16
kernel-headers-cos7-ppc64le public (CDT) Header files for the Linux kernel for use by glibc 2023-06-16
nvcc_linux-64 public A meta-package to enable the right nvcc. 2023-06-16
outcome public Capture the outcome of Python function calls. 2023-06-16
xorg-xproto public Core X Windows C prototypes. 2023-06-16
three-merge public Simple Python library to perform a 3-way merge between strings 2023-06-16
pyls-spyder public Spyder extensions for the python-lsp-server 2023-06-16
pyls-black public Black plugin for the Python Language Server 2023-06-16
bidict public Efficient, Pythonic bidirectional map implementation and related functionality 2023-06-16
xorg-util-macros public Development utility macros for X.org software. 2023-06-16
vs2019_win-32 public Activation and version verification of MSVC 14.2 (VS 2019 compiler, update 5) 2023-06-16
pydata-google-auth public Helpers for authenticating to Google APIs from Python. 2023-06-16
missingno public Missing data visualization module for Python. 2023-06-16
htmlmin public A configurable HTML Minifier with safety features 2023-06-16
geoalchemy2 public Using SQLAlchemy with Spatial Databases 2023-06-16
confuse public painless YAML configuration 2023-06-16
validators public Python Data Validation for Humans 2023-06-16
imgaug public Image augmentation for machine learning experiments 2023-06-16
essential_generators public Generate fake data for application testing based on simple but flexible templates. 2023-06-16
pyclipper public Cython wrapper for the C++ translation of the Angus Johnson's Clipper library (ver. 6.4.2) 2023-06-16
keras-ocr public A packaged and flexible version of the CRAFT text detector and Keras CRNN recognition model. 2023-06-16
yq public Command-line YAML/XML processor - jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents 2023-06-16
oniguruma public A regular expression library. 2023-06-16
x507 public Various helpers for x507 2023-06-16
autoconf-archive public Collection of over 500 reusable autoconf macros 2023-06-16
starkbank-ecdsa public A lightweight and fast pure python ECDSA library 2023-06-16
sendgrid public SendGrid library for Python 2023-06-16
python_http_client public SendGrid's Python HTTP Client for calling APIs 2023-06-16
libclang-cpp10 public Development headers and libraries for Clang 2023-06-16
jaydebeapi public A Python DB-APIv2.0 compliant library for JDBC Drivers 2023-06-16
jpype1 public A Python to Java bridge. 2023-06-16
libcrc32c public CRC32C implementation with support for CPU-specific acceleration instructions 2023-06-16
setuptools-scm-git-archive public setuptools_scm plugin for git archives 2023-06-16
patch-ng public Library to parse and apply unified diffs 2023-06-16
click-repl public REPL plugin for Click 2023-06-16
click-didyoumean public Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click. 2023-06-16
junit-xml public Creates JUnit XML test result documents that can be read by tools such as Jenkins 2023-06-16

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