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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
dash-table public A First-Class Interactive DataTable for Dash 2024-12-10
dash-html-components public Dash UI HTML component suite 2024-12-10
dash-core-components public Dash UI core component suite 2024-12-10
constructor public create installer from conda packages 2024-12-10
cron-descriptor public A Python library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings. 2024-12-10
conda-standalone public Entry point and dependency collection for PyInstaller-based standalone conda. 2024-12-10
conda-anaconda-tos public Anaconda Terms of Service conda plugin 2024-12-10
conda-anaconda-telemetry public Anaconda Telemetry conda plugin 2024-12-10
bokeh public Bokeh is an interactive visualization library for modern web browsers. 2024-12-10
colorspacious public A powerful, accurate, and easy-to-use Python library for doing colorspace conversions 2024-12-10
cftime public Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python 2024-12-10
aws-sdk-cpp public C++ library that makes it easy to integrate C++ applications with AWS services 2024-12-10
bleach public Easy, whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool 2024-12-10
ansi2html public Convert text with ANSI color codes to HTML or to LaTeX. 2024-12-10
anaconda-navigator public Anaconda Navigator 2024-12-10
altair public A declarative statistical visualization library for Python 2024-12-10
anaconda-cloud-cli public The Anaconda Cloud CLI 2024-12-10
json-stream-rs-tokenizer public A faster tokenizer for the json-stream Python library 2024-12-02
isort public A Python utility / library to sort Python imports. 2024-12-02
databricks-sdk public Databricks SDK for Python (Experimental) 2024-12-02
cmdstanpy public CmdStanPy is a lightweight interface to Stan for Python users which provides the necessary objects and functions to compile a Stan program and fit the model to data using CmdStan. 2024-12-02
asyncssh public Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library 2024-12-02
aiohttp-jinja2 public jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio) 2024-12-02
astropy public Community-developed Python Library for Astronomy 2024-12-02
pytest-xdist public py.test xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes 2024-11-29
pytest-cov public Pytest plugin for measuring coverage 2024-11-29
libssh2 public the SSH library 2024-11-29
zipp public A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper 2024-11-29
yarl public Yet another URL library 2024-11-29
watchfiles public Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python. 2024-11-29
uvicorn-standard public The lightning-fast ASGI server. 2024-11-29
uvicorn public The lightning-fast ASGI server. 2024-11-29
torchmetrics public Collection of PyTorch native metrics for easy evaluating machine learning models 2024-11-29
sybil public Automated testing for the examples in your documentation. 2024-11-29
streamlit public The fastest way to build data apps in Python 2024-11-29
snowflake-ml-python public Snowflake machine learning library. 2024-11-29
rich public Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. 2024-11-29
pytest-codspeed public Pytest plugin to create CodSpeed benchmarks 2024-11-29
pyspark public Apache Spark Python API 2024-11-29
pandas public High-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. 2024-11-29
pdf2image public A python module that wraps pdftoppm and pdftocairo to convert PDF to a PIL Image object 2024-11-29
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http public OpenTelemetry Collector Protobuf over HTTP Exporter 2024-11-29
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc public OpenTelemetry Python / Protobuf over gRPC Exporter 2024-11-29
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common public OpenTelemetry Protobuf encoding 2024-11-29
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp public OpenTelemetry Collector Exporters 2024-11-29
nbconvert-core public No Summary 2024-11-29
matplotlib-base public Publication quality figures in Python 2024-11-29
meson-python public Meson Python build backend (PEP 517) 2024-11-29
jaxlib public Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more 2024-11-29
matplotlib public Publication quality figures in Python 2024-11-29

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