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main / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pytorch-lightning public PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate. 2024-06-08
pytest public Simple and powerful testing with Python. 2024-06-08
astropy public Community-developed Python Library for Astronomy 2024-06-08
extension-helpers public Utilities for building and installing packages with compiled extensions 2024-06-08
cudnn public NVIDIA's cuDNN deep neural network acceleration library 2024-06-08
torchmetrics public Collection of PyTorch native metrics for easy evaluating machine learning models 2024-06-08
pylint public python code static checker 2024-06-08
mysql public Open source relational database management system. 2024-06-08
pyerfa public Python bindings for ERFA routines 2024-06-08
notebook public A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing 2024-06-08
nbclassic public Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server Extension. 2024-06-08
certifi public Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle. 2024-06-08
astropy-iers-data public IERS Earth Rotation and Leap Second tables for the astropy core package 2024-06-08
astroid public A abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support. 2024-06-08
plotly public An interactive JavaScript-based visualization library for Python 2024-06-06
scipy public Scientific Library for Python 2024-06-06
ujson public Ultra fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with Python bindings 2024-06-06
networkx public Python package for creating and manipulating complex networks 2024-06-06
gensim public Topic Modelling for Humans 2024-06-06
captum public Model interpretability for PyTorch 2024-06-06
black public The Uncompromising Code Formatter 2024-06-06
watchdog public Filesystem events monitoring 2024-06-05
thefuzz public Fuzzy string matching library. 2024-06-05
squarify public Pure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm. 2024-06-05
qrcode public QR Code image generator 2024-06-05
prince public Multivariate exploratory data analysis in Python — PCA, CA, MCA, MFA, FAMD, GPA 2024-06-05
orc public C++ libraries for Apache ORC 2024-06-05
intake public Data load and catalog system 2024-06-05
anaconda-mirror public The official mirroring tool for Anaconda conda repositories 2024-06-05
anaconda-cloud public Anaconda Cloud client tools 2024-06-05
intake-xarray public xarray plugins for Intake 2024-06-04
libpysal public Core components of PySAL A library of spatial analysis functions 2024-06-04
voila public Rendering of live Jupyter notebooks with interactive widgets 2024-06-04
snowflake-snowpark-python public Snowflake Snowpark Python API 2024-06-04
snowflake-ml-python public Snowflake machine learning library. 2024-06-04
aext-core-server public Anaconda Toolbox backend lib core server component 2024-06-04
anaconda-toolbox public Anaconda Assistant: JupyterLab supercharged with a suite of Anaconda extensions, starting with the Anaconda Assistant AI chatbot. 2024-05-30
aext-panels public The aext-panels component of anaconda-toolbox 2024-05-30
aext-assistant public Anaconda extensions assistant library 2024-05-30
aext-panels-server public The aext-panels-server component of anaconda-toolbox 2024-05-30
aext-assistant-server public Anaconda extensions assistant server 2024-05-30
aext-share-notebook public The aext-share-notebook component of anaconda-toolbox 2024-05-30
aext-share-notebook-server public Anaconda extensions share notebook server 2024-05-30
aext-core public Anaconda extensions core library 2024-05-30
conda-project public Tool for encapsulating, running, and reproducing projects with conda environments 2024-05-30
cherrypy public Object-Oriented HTTP framework 2024-05-30
aext-shared public Anaconda extensions shared library 2024-05-30
lockfile public Platform-independent file locking module 2024-05-30
routes public Routing Recognition and Generation Tools 2024-05-29
repoze.lru public A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator 2024-05-29

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