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kaspermunch / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
bp-help public summary 2024-09-05
exercise-client public summary 2024-08-30
horizonplot public Generates horizon plots. 2024-05-30
slurm-jupyter public Utilities for jupyter on a slurm cluster. 2024-03-05
popgen-dashboards public Short description 2024-02-11
geneinfo public Functions for showing gene information in jupyter notebooks. 2023-12-18
imagesize public summary 2023-08-25
jupyter-references public Lightweight system for citing papers and making a reference list in jupyter 2023-06-18
slurm-jupyter-run public Utility for notebooks on a slurm cluster. 2023-06-16
genominterv public Utilities for working with intervals in separate chromosomes. 2023-06-16
chromwindow public Utilities for working with windows on a chromosome. 2023-06-16

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