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If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
If you were automatically logged out you may need to refresh the page. You're trying to access a page that requires authentication. ×
  • 187 total downloads
  • Last upload: 5 years and 4 months ago


Info: This package contains files in non-standard labels.

pip install

To install this package run one of the following:
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/jakirkham/label/test/simple numcodecs


This Package does not have any files.

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