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iota2 / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
sensorsio public Conventient functions to load remote sensing data to numpy and xarray 2024-11-21
tinyxml public A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser 2024-11-21
shark public A C++ machine learning library 2024-11-21
otb public Open Source processing of remote sensing images This package is provided in the iota2 frame. https://framagit.org/iota2-project/iota2/-/blob/develop/NOTICE.md 2024-11-21
muparserx public A fast math parser C++ library 2024-11-21
libitk public Runtime libraries and header files for the Insight Toolkit for segmentation and registration. 2024-11-21
iota2 public iota2 is a processing chain for land cover mapping using remote sensing data 2024-11-21
config public A hierarchical, easy-to-use, powerful configuration module for Python 2024-11-21
iota2_develop public iota2 is a processing chain for land cover mapping using remote sensing data 2023-06-16
grass public Geographic Resources Analysis Support System 2023-06-16
ossim public a powerful suite of geospatial libraries and applications used to process imagery, maps, terrain, and vector data. 2023-06-16
openthreads public A C++ open-source 3D graphics application programming interface 2023-06-16

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