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ilastik-forge / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
sphericaltexture_plugin public No Summary 2025-03-25
pyshtools public Tools for working with spherical harmonics 2025-03-25
fiji-ilastik public No Summary 2025-03-25
bioimageio.spec public Parser and validator library for BioImage.IO specifications 2025-03-25
conda-3rdparty public Command line tool to summarize 3rd party licenses of conda environments. 2025-03-25
ilastik-pytorch-version-helper-cpu public small helper package to allow for consistent solving of cpu pytorch environments 2025-03-25
ilastik-gpu public ilastik conda package to create ilastik gpu-enabled gui environments. ilastik is a simple, user-friendly tool for interactive image classification, segmentation and analysis. 2025-03-25
ilastik public ilastik conda package to create ilastik gui environments. ilastik is a simple, user-friendly tool for interactive image classification, segmentation and analysis. 2025-03-25
ilastik-deps-dev public Packages for ilastik development environments 2025-03-25
inferno public A utility library around PyTorch 2025-03-25
ilastik-core public ilastik-core package enables ilastik-api usage to mix into environments. ilastik is a simple, user-friendly tool for interactive image classification, segmentation and analysis. 2025-03-25
napari-ilastik public No Summary 2025-03-25
bioimageio.core public Tools for running BioimageIO compliant neural networks in Python. 2025-03-25
core-bioimage-io public Tools for running BioimageIO compliant neural networks in Python. 2025-03-25
bioimageio.torch public pytorch related bioimageio modules 2025-03-25
pytest-grpc public pytest plugin for grpc 2025-03-25
marshmallow-jsonschema public JSON Schema Draft v7 (http://json-schema.org/) formatting with marshmallow 2025-03-25
spdx-license-list public A simple tool/library for working with SPDX license definitions. 2025-03-25
volumina public Python image viewer with support up to 5D (spacial + channel + time). 2025-03-25
nifty public Graph-based segmentation algorithms 2025-03-25
ilastikrag public ND Region Adjacency Graph with edge feature algorithms 2025-03-25
ilastiktools public Various compiled utilities for the ilastik project 2025-03-25
marching_cubes public A fast marching cubes implementation in C++ with python bindings. 2025-03-25
dpct public Dynamic Programming Cell Tracking Solver Library 2025-03-25
tiktorch-cpu public Neural network server 2025-03-25
napari-svg public An io plugin for reading and writing svg files with napari 2025-03-25
covid-if-annotations public No Summary 2025-03-25
magicgui public build GUIs from functions, using magic. 2025-03-25
grpcio public HTTP/2-based RPC framework 2025-03-25
z5py public Lightweight C++ and Python interface for datasets in zarr and N5 format. 2025-03-25
pytorch-bioimage-io public Pytorch related components of pybio 2025-03-25
python-bioimage-io public Tools for parsing pybio model specification 2025-03-25
elf public Utilities and convenience functions for large scale bio-image analysis. 2025-03-25
ilastik-dependencies-binary public A meta-package bundling requirements for producing ilastik binaries 2025-03-25
ilastik-dependencies-tiktorch public Package for all dependencies needed to run ilastik 2025-03-25
ndstructs public No Summary 2025-03-25
libdvid-cpp public C++ library for accessing DVID's REST API 2025-03-25
ilastik-install public Make ilastik binary relocatable 2025-03-25
pyklb public Python bindings for the Keller Lab Block file type (klb) library 2025-03-25
klb public Keller Lab Block file type (.klb) C++11 library 2025-03-25
tiktorch-client public Neural network server client 2025-03-25
tiktorch public Neural network server 2025-03-25
publish-conda-stack public Scripts build a custom set of conda packages from a common environment and publish to a custom conda channel. 2025-03-25
pyfeast public A Python interface to the Feature Selection Toolkit, contains JMI, BetaGamma, CMIM, CondMI, DISR, ICAP, and mRMR 2025-03-25
ilastik-dependencies-no-solvers-no-gui public Package for all dependencies needed to run ilastik 2025-03-25
libitk public Runtime libraries and header files for the Insight Toolkit for segmentation and registration. 2025-03-25
hdf5 public HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data 2025-03-25
nifty-with-cplex public Graph-based segmentation algorithms 2025-03-25
nifty-with-gurobi public Graph-based segmentation algorithms 2025-03-25
ilastik-package public A package for creating ilastik installers on windows. 2025-03-25

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