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hep-forge / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
minio-cpp public MinIO C++ Client SDK for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage 2025-03-01
frameformat public Frame Format Library 2025-02-22
framel public Frame library 2025-02-22
rh5 public HDF5 Adapter for ROOT 2025-02-22
cparser public Configuration Parser 2025-02-22
rkafka public KAFKA Client using ROOT 2025-02-22
root-plus public ROOT+ for Tensor Calculation & Advanced Signal Processing 2025-02-14
root public ROOT: analyzing petabytes of data, scientifically. 2025-02-06
xfitter public xFitter - A PDF fit program from HERA. 2025-02-05
pythia public PYTHIA is a program for the generation of high-energy physics collision events, i.e. for the description of collisions at high energies between electrons, protons, photons and heavy nuclei. 2025-02-05
professor public Professor 2 -- new machinery for fast parameterisation and MC tuning 2025-02-05
openmotif public Motif user interface component toolkit. 2025-02-05
mcfm public MCFM is a parton-level Monte Carlo program 2025-02-05
lhapdf public LHAPDF is the standard tool for evaluating parton distribution functions (PDFs) in high-energy physics. 2025-02-05
cernlib public CERN library for high-energy physics calculations. 2025-02-05
applgrid public The APPLgrid project provides a fast and flexible way to reproduce the results of full NLO calculations 2025-02-05
eko public Evolution Kernel Operators 2025-02-05
hathor public HAdronic Top and Heavy quarks crOss section calculatoR. 2025-02-05
pineappl public This repository contains programs, libraries and interfaces to read and write PineAPPL interpolation grids, which store theoretical predictions for high-energy collisions independently from their PDFs and the strong coupling. 2025-02-05
xfitter-dev public xFitter - A PDF fit program from HERA. 2025-01-13
ploughshare public Ploughshare for all your interpolation grid needs 2024-12-12
rivet public Rivet - the particle-physics MC analysis toolkit 2024-12-12
hoppet public HOPPET: Higher Order Perturbative Parton Evolution Toolkit 2024-12-12
hepmc public HepMC3 is a new rewrite of HepMC event record. 2024-12-12
fastjet-contrib public The fastjet-contrib space is intended to provide a common location for access to 3rd party extensions of FastJet. 2024-12-12
dyturbo public DYTurbo: Fast predictions for Drell-Yan processes including qt-resummation 2024-12-12
fastnlo public FastNLO: fast pQCD calculations for hadron-induced processes 2024-12-10
fastjet public A software package for jet finding in pp and e+eāˆ’ collisions. 2024-12-10
yoda public Yet more Objects for Data Analysis 2024-12-09
difftop public DiffTop: a code for the calculation of the differential cross section for heavy-quark pair production at hadron colliders 2024-12-09
qcdnum public QCDNUM is a very fast QCD evolution program written in FORTRAN77. 2024-12-05
qcdloop public Object-oriented one-loop scalar Feynman integrals framework 2024-12-05
nnpdf public NNPDF analysis framework 2024-12-05
nlojetxx public NLOJET++ is a C++ program for calculating LO and NLO order cross section. 2024-12-05
hellx public High Energy Large Logarithms, a small-x resummation code 2024-12-05
helloworld public Demo package for building feedstocks in your own conda channel 2024-12-05
apfelxx public A PDF evolution library in C++ 2024-12-05
apfel public APFEL: A PDF Evolution Library 2024-12-05
apfelgrid public Ultra-fast theory predictions for collider observables 2024-11-18
chaplin public CHAPLIN - Complex Harmonic Polylogarithms in FORTRAN 2024-11-14
cuba public Cuba ā€“ a library for multidimensional numerical integration 2024-11-14
cubature public Multi-dimensional adaptive integration (cubature) in C 2024-11-14
hell public High Energy Large Logarithms, a small-x resummation code 2024-11-12
yadism public Yet Another DIS Module 2024-11-12

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