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HCC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
pyicoteo public Analysis and manipulation of mapped reads coming from High Throughput Sequencing tool and library. 2025-03-25
nano public Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone 2025-03-25
jwt-cli public A super fast CLI tool to decode and encode JWTs built in Rust. 2025-03-25
allennlp-models public Officially supported models for the AllenNLP framework. 2025-03-25
allennlp public An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch. 2025-03-25
py-rouge public Full Python implementation of the ROUGE metric, producing same results as in the official perl implementation. 2025-03-25
deeplabcut public Markerless pose-estimation of user-defined features with deep learning 2025-03-25
rlscore public RLScore - regularized least-squares machine learning algorithms package. 2025-03-25
tensorpack public A Neural Network Training Interface on TensorFlow 2025-03-25
mrbayes public Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny 2025-03-25
tensorflow-base public TensorFlow is a machine learning library, base package contains only tensorflow. 2025-03-25
tf-models-official public The TensorFlow official models are a collection of models that use TensorFlow’s high-level APIs. 2025-03-25
tensorflow-addons public TensorFlow Addons is a repository of contributions that conform to well-established API patterns, but implement new functionality not available in core TensorFlow. 2025-03-25
tensorflow-model-optimization public The TensorFlow Model Optimization Toolkit is a suite of tools that users, both novice and advanced, can use to optimize machine learning models for deployment and execution. 2025-03-25
dm-tree public Tree is a library for working with nested data structures. 2025-03-25
rsync public Tool for fast incremental file transfer 2025-03-25
gurobi public The Gurobi Optimizer is the state-of-the-art math programming solver able to handle all major problem types. 2025-03-25
nextcloud-client public The Nextcloud Desktop Client is a tool to synchronize files from Nextcloud Server with your computer. 2025-03-25
detectron2 public Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object detection and segmentation. 2025-03-25
qrupdate public qrupdate is a Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions. 2025-03-25
octave-econometrics public Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques. 2025-03-25
qt public Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. 2025-03-25
octave-optim public Non-linear optimization toolkit. 2025-03-25
octave-signal public Signal processing tools, including filtering, windowing and display functions. 2025-03-25
octave-statistics public Additional statistics functions for Octave. 2025-03-25

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