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HCC / packages

Package Name Access Summary Updated
r-rglpk public R interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit. 'GLPK' is open source software for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear programming ('MILP') and other related problems. 2025-03-25
julia public A high-performance dynamic programming language for data science 2025-03-25
openlibm public High quality system independent, portable, open source libm implementation 2025-03-25
mpfr public The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding. 2025-03-25
mbedtls public An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library 2025-03-25
framed public framed - metabolic modeling for python 2025-03-25
sicerpy public Python wrapper around the popular ChIP-Seq peak caller SICER. 2025-03-25
pytorch-gpu public PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs. 2025-03-25
wgddetector public WGDdetector: a pipeline for whole genome duplication (WGD) detecting with the genome or transcriptome annotations. 2025-03-25
carveme public CarveMe is a python-based tool for genome-scale metabolic model reconstruction. 2025-03-25
reframed public ReFramed is metabolic modeling package. 2025-03-25
blastgraphmetrics public Evaluation of BLAST-based edge-weighting metrics used for homology prediction with the Markov Clustering algorithm. 2025-03-25
mesa-libglw-devel-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Mesa libGLw development package 2025-03-25
mesa-libglw-cos7-x86_64 public (CDT) Xt / Motif OpenGL widgets 2025-03-25
deepvirfinder public Identifying viruses from metagenomic data by deep learning. 2025-03-25
gistic2 public GISTIC2.0 facilitates sensitive and confident localization of the targets of focal somatic copy-number alteration in human cancers. 2025-03-25
mcr public Run compiled MATLAB applications or components without installing MATLAB. 2025-03-25
metabolic public A scalable high-throughput metabolic and biogeochemical functional trait profiler. 2025-03-25
perl-array-split public split an array into sub-arrays 2025-03-25
perl-sub-exporter-simple public just export some subs 2025-03-25
metacv public Composition based classification for short metagenomic sequences 2025-03-25
anvio-minimal public An interactive analysis and visualization platform for omics data 2025-03-25
spirit-gpu public Optimizations and Dynamics Framework for atomistic Spin systems 2025-03-25
spirit public Optimizations and Dynamics Framework for atomistic Spin systems 2025-03-25
boris2 public Boris Computational Spintronics. 2025-03-25

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